American Airlines jet blows tire on takeoff at Chicago airport

American Airlines jet blows tire on takeoff at Chicago airport

An American Airlines jet blew a tire at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago on Friday (October 28), prompting the flight crew to abort t...

With a bang and a prayer: Lady Gaga and Bon Jovi close Clinton’s campaign

With a bang and a prayer: Lady Gaga and Bon Jovi close Clinton’s campaign

A star-studded event to cap off one of the most divisive presidential campaigns in living memory. Singers Jon Bon Jovi and Lady Gaga closed ...

Anti-Trump protests erupt across the US

Anti-Trump protests erupt across the US

Angry Americans have taken to the streets in New York and cities across the United States, following the election of Donald Trump to the Whi...

New York bomb suspect Rahimi pleads not guilty

New York bomb suspect Rahimi pleads not guilty

Bombing suspect Ahmad Khan Rahimi appeared in court in New York on Thursday and denied setting off an explosive device on a street in the ci...

Planned Parenthood guilty of selling baby part for profit.

Planned Parenthood guilty of selling baby part for profit.

Do you know what collagen is made of? From foetuses. Do Peoples calling for abortion know about it? Collagen is used in most beauty creams...

Gloves come off in French Republican presidential nomination race

Gloves come off in French Republican presidential nomination race

Campaigning ahead of Sunday run-off to see who will be France’s centre-right presidential nominee has turned into a war of words. On the e...

JAYDA'S SOAPBOX: It's time to protect our UNBORN children!

JAYDA'S SOAPBOX: It's time to protect our UNBORN children!

Just because you are in the womb, doesn’t mean you are not a human being with a beating heart and a future ahead of you. The leftwing es...

Dozens of suspects in UK football child sex abuse inquiry

Dozens of suspects in UK football child sex abuse inquiry

British police investigating claims of widespread child sex abuse in football dating back decades said on Friday they had identified 83 susp...

Trump’s Energy choice promises Perry Christmas for fossil fuel lobby

Trump’s Energy choice promises Perry Christmas for fossil fuel lobby

The former governor of Texas and twice unsuccessful candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, Rick Perry, has been confirmed as ...

Turkish police arrest gunman’s family after ambassador’s shooting

Turkish police arrest gunman’s family after ambassador’s shooting

A team of Russian investigators has arrived in Turkey in the aftermath of the murder of Ambassador Andrei Karlov. Top security was enforce...

Searches related to Chelsea Handler Abortion