US: Trump rows back remarks after sparking abortion row

US: Trump rows back remarks after sparking abortion row

US Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is no stranger to controversy – and now he has sparked off a spat over abortion. Th...

Polish pro-choice protesters rally against abortion ban

Polish pro-choice protesters rally against abortion ban

Thousands of pro-choice supporters in Poland have held a rally outside parliament. It came as the leader of the country’s ruling party bac...

US Supreme Court strikes down Texas law imposing strict regulations on abortion

US Supreme Court strikes down Texas law imposing strict regulations on abortion

Abortion rights activists have claimed a victory after the US Supreme Court ruled in their favour striking down a Texas law which imposes s...

Attack Dog Turns On Handler at Dakota Access Pipeline blockade

Attack Dog Turns On Handler at Dakota Access Pipeline blockade

On the 3ed of September, Ricardo Bullard's "Extreme K9/Canine Training Team was engaged by the builders of the Dakota Access Pipeline to sec...

Poland debates total abortion ban

Poland debates total abortion ban

The Polish parliament has begun debating proposals that would implement a total ban on abortion, despite already having some of Europe’s m...

Polish parliament rejects proposal for near-total ban on abortion

Polish parliament rejects proposal for near-total ban on abortion

Polish lawmakers have withdrawn draft legislation that would have introduced a near-total ban on abortion. 352 members of the parliament r...

Women in Poland hold more protests against tighter abortion laws

Women in Poland hold more protests against tighter abortion laws

Polish women dressed in black took to the streets on Sunday in another round of protests against the government’s attempts to tighten abor...

Forgiving abortion: Pope Francis extends power to all Roman Catholic priests

Forgiving abortion: Pope Francis extends power to all Roman Catholic priests

Pope Francis has extended the power to forgive abortion to all Roman Catholic priests. He made the announcement in an ‘apostolic letter...

Abortion still ‘grave sin, ending innocent life’ – Pope Francis

Abortion still ‘grave sin, ending innocent life’ – Pope Francis

Pope Francis has restated that “abortion is a grave sin, since it puts an end to an innocent life” but “there is no sin that God’s m...

French MPs vote to ban ‘misinformation’ anti-abortion websites

French MPs vote to ban ‘misinformation’ anti-abortion websites

After a heated debate, the French National Assembly has passed a bill to outlaw websites spreading misinformation about abortion. Pro-Life...

Pfc Bradley Manning declares himself a woman - wants to go by Chelsea and get hormone treatments in prison

Pfc Bradley Manning declares himself a woman - wants to go by Chelsea and get hormone treatments in prison

Convicted of espionage in providing classified data to WikiLeaks, Pfc Manning now wants the world to know he is a female and wants the US go...

Mother won't allow daughter to marry boyfriend by forcing her to have abortion

Mother won't allow daughter to marry boyfriend by forcing her to have abortion

because boyfriend doesn't make decent money. However mother's attitude changes after boyfriend hands out a passbook with 1 million cash in t...

Air Canada Luggage Handlers

Air Canada Luggage Handlers at Air Canada, we strive to achieve the utmost care and concern for your belongings - NOT! ...vertical vid warning - although he wa...

Video: Boko Haram Fatalities After Aborted Attack At Konduga, Borno, Nigeria

Video: Boko Haram Fatalities After Aborted Attack At Konduga, Borno, Nigeria

The corpses littering the road are those of Boko Haram ( Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'Awati Wal-Jihad) combatants who were killed by the galla...

War-war in eastern Ukraine no jaw-jaw in Minsk as peace talks aborted

War-war in eastern Ukraine no jaw-jaw in Minsk as peace talks aborted

Separatists in the rebel held Ukrainian city of Donetsk say government shells have hit a cultural centre where civilians were receiving huma...

Chelsea fans Paris footage

Chelsea fans Paris footage

The amateur video shows a man being repeatedly pushed from the train while a group chants, "we're racist, we're racist and that's the way we...

Snake Handler Removes Parasitic Worm From Snake

Snake Handler Removes Parasitic Worm From Snake

It would have been a slow death for the snake if it wasn't removed  

Portugal’s president caught in polarity that aborted the government

Portugal’s president caught in polarity that aborted the government

Portugal is hovering in uncertainty after left-wing MPs brought about the government’s collapse on Tuesday. It had stood for 11 days. Prim...

Upset Chelsea Fans

Upset Chelsea Fans

Walking down the street with my Manchester City shirt on and these dogs started taunting us. My dog was a champ showing restraint  

Searches related to Chelsea Handler Abortion