Europe Backs Away From War As The U.S. Pushes For War - Episode 646

Europe Backs Away From War As The U.S. Pushes For War - Episode 646

Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.comnMore news visit http://thepeoplesnewz.comnReport date: 4.20.2015nnG...

"Shocking Taliban Interview" FOX News Doesn't want you to SEE - Part 1/3. [Bring Our Troops Home!]

Shocking Taliban Interview with Charlie Rose Prior to Sep 11. nnAfter watching this video i was shocked! Hence the Upload!nnThe Taliban offe...

Foreign Policy Diary 'War on Terror' [remastered]

Foreign Policy Diary 'War on Terror' [remastered]

Subscribe our cahnnel!: group Boko Haram has changed its name to ISWAP or I...

Yemen five-day humanitarian truce set to start on Tuesday

Yemen five-day humanitarian truce set to start on Tuesday

Houthi fighters in Yemen have accepted a five-day cease fire but warned they would respond to any violations. Saudi Arabia proposed the tr...

Five-day humanitarian truce expires in Yemen

Five-day humanitarian truce expires in Yemen

As a special conference on the Yemen crisis opened in Riyadh, there were reports that a Saudi-led coalition force had resumed air strikes a...

Iran insists Yemen aid delivery directly coordinated with UN

Iran insists Yemen aid delivery directly coordinated with UN

Iran insists that the dispatch of humanitarian aid for the war-torn Yemen has been directly coordinated with the United Nations. nnForeign M...

Stranded Yemenis return home as UN peace talks are announced

Stranded Yemenis return home as UN peace talks are announced

With peace talks on the horizon a few of the thousands of Yemenis stranded abroad have made it back to the capital Sana’a. Two planes: o...

Counting the Cost - South Sudan: Economics of a failed state

Counting the Cost - South Sudan: Economics of a failed state

South Sudan is only four years old, but the world's youngest nation tops the rank of failed states worldwide.rrAfter decades of conflict wit...

Yemen: coalition forces retake Aden airport

Yemen: coalition forces retake Aden airport

Coalition forces loyal to Yemen’s exiled president have recaptured the airport in the country’s second city of Aden. Houthi rebel forc...

BIS Acknowledge That Central Banks Rig Markets, Warns About The Global Debt Bubble - Episode 783a

BIS Acknowledge That Central Banks Rig Markets, Warns About The Global Debt Bubble - Episode 783a

Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – economic collapse ne...

US Gov Is Bankrupt And Inflates Bubbles To Keep The Illusion Of A Recovery - Episode 795a

US Gov Is Bankrupt And Inflates Bubbles To Keep The Illusion Of A Recovery - Episode 795a

Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – economic collapse ne...

World's fattest man slims down: the obesity, weight loss and body issues compilation

World's fattest man slims down: the obesity, weight loss and body issues compilation

TomoNews presents to you the craziest cases of obese people and the process of losing weight. Some of the weight loss methods are extremely ...

World powers arrive in Munich hoping to resurrect Syrian peace talks

World powers arrive in Munich hoping to resurrect Syrian peace talks

US Secretary of State John Kerry has arrived in Munich hoping to resurrect Syrian Peace talks . He’s pushing for a ceasefire for humanita...

02.14.2016 Dr. Jim Willie: The Quickening / The Economic Collapse Accelerating

02.14.2016 Dr. Jim Willie: The Quickening / The Economic Collapse Accelerating

Dr. Jim WIllie: www.GoldenJackass.comnPaul Sandhu: www.WakeUpandLive.comnClosing Track: Deutsche Ba...

Russia: Evidence obtained by RT suggests Turkish support for ISIS in Syria

Russia: Evidence obtained by RT suggests Turkish support for ISIS in Syria

An RT Documentary crew filming in northern Syria released exclusive material that provides an insight into the oil trade links between the I...

Is This The End Of The U.S Dollar

Is This The End Of The U.S Dollar

In this video Luke Rudkowski reports on the breaking news of both China and Saudi Arabia making geopolitical moves that will cause a U.S eco...

Chilling Footage Extreme Turbulence Leaves Passengers Praying For Their Lives

Chilling Footage Extreme Turbulence Leaves Passengers Praying For Their Lives

Chilling footage captures passengers wailing in terror and desperately reciting prayers as their plane is rocked by extreme turbulence that ...

U.S. Installing Puppet Dictators In Latin America

U.S. Installing Puppet Dictators In Latin America

Anyone wondering why Bernie Sander’s socialist battle cry turned the stomach of many Americans, need only look at what is happening in Lat...

The Infowars Nightly News. Government Overeach Into Your Pants

The Infowars Nightly News. Government Overeach Into Your Pants

TSA Clowns with Security Theatre — LITERALLY!nnRather than deal with the airport gridlock that TSA has created, our security theatre is lo...

Still Report #878 - Venezuela Spinning Out of Control

Still Report #878 - Venezuela Spinning Out of Control

To become a Partner :, then Click "Subscribe”.nTo make a one-time donation: afte...