Russian aid convoy continues towards Ukranian border

Russian aid convoy continues towards Ukranian border

A Russian aid convoy has been seen moving towards the Ukrainian border. On Wednesday the 260 lorries had stopped some 500 kilome...

Iraq claims recapture of Mosul dam from Islamic State militants

Iraq claims recapture of Mosul dam from Islamic State militants

Iraq says its forces and Kurdish fighters have retaken Mosul dam, the country’s biggest, dislodging Islamic State militants who had seized...

US warns IS pose an ‘imminent threat’

US warns IS pose an ‘imminent threat’

US military leaders have said the strength and sophistication of Islamic State militants pose a imminent threat to the United States. Thei...

Afghanistan presidential rivals pull observers from vote recount

Afghanistan presidential rivals pull observers from vote recount

Afghanistan’s deadlocked presidential election has run into more trouble after both candidates withdrew their observers from a UN-supervis...

NATO: ‘Ready to deploy forces’ in response to all security challenges

NATO: ‘Ready to deploy forces’ in response to all security challenges

NATO is ready to rise to every challenge, its Secretary General said ahead of the alliance’s summit in Wales on Thursday and Friday (Septe...

Islamic State guilty of “ethnic cleansing on a historic scale” – Amnesty International

Islamic State guilty of “ethnic cleansing on a historic scale” – Amnesty International

“The group that calls itself the Islamic State (IS) has carried out ethnic cleansing on a historic scale in northern Iraq.” So says Am...

Afghanistan political crisis casts shadow over NATO summit

Afghanistan political crisis casts shadow over NATO summit

Despite a UN-led audit of votes from June’s disputed presidential election, the threat of further turmoil in Afghanistan hangs over this w...

Critics question Turkey’s hosting of international internet forum

Critics question Turkey’s hosting of international internet forum

Turkey was always going to be a contentious venue for this year’s internet governance forum which aims to encourage use of the web. Duri...

NATO determined to make ties with Ukraine ‘even stronger’

NATO determined to make ties with Ukraine ‘even stronger’

In a show of solidarity Ukraine President Petro Porshenko shared a platform with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen as the militar...

NATO cautious welcome for Ukraine ceasefire

NATO cautious welcome for Ukraine ceasefire

It was billed as one of the most important NATO summits in recent years and on the second and final day the delegates in Wales presented a u...

Ukraine’s waring sides accuse each other of ceasefire violations

Ukraine’s waring sides accuse each other of ceasefire violations

Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian separatists are blaming each other for violations to an increasingly shaky ceasefire. Although...

US welcomes new Iraqi government

US welcomes new Iraqi government

The new Iraqi government has wasted no time in getting down to work following the appointment of new Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi. Parl...

Greenhouse gases hit record levels

Greenhouse gases hit record levels

The World Meteorological Organisation has added its weight to the rising chorus of voices expressing alarm at the slow pace of tackling g...

Kerry in Iraq to seal alliance against Islamic State militants

Kerry in Iraq to seal alliance against Islamic State militants

The US Secretary of State John Kerry has arrived in Iraq to build support against Islamic State militants. It is the start of a tour of th...

US wins Arab support for military campaign against ISIL

US wins Arab support for military campaign against ISIL

The United States has drummed up support from Arab allies to help destroy militant group Islamic State (ISIL). After talks in Saudi Arabia...

French President Hollande in Iraq as coalition to fight Islamic State jihadists grows

French President Hollande in Iraq as coalition to fight Islamic State jihadists grows

French President Francois Hollande flew to Iraq on Friday (September 12) to hold talks about fighting the advance of Islamic State militants...

Iraq: ‘war’ against Islamic State militants continues

Iraq: ‘war’ against Islamic State militants continues

As United States military forces continued their attack against militant group Islamic State, or ISIL, officials said more than 150 airstrik...

Kerry lands in Paris for conference to defeat ISIL

Kerry lands in Paris for conference to defeat ISIL

US Secretary of State John Kerry has arrived in Paris ahead of Monday’s international conference on battling militant group Islamic State ...

Paris hosts conference on Islamic State militants

Paris hosts conference on Islamic State militants

US Secretary of State John Kerry is among forty or so foreign ministers meeting in Paris today at a specially convened conference to discuss...

Hollande calls for “global’ response to Islamic State

Hollande calls for “global’ response to Islamic State

French President Francois Hollande says the threat from Islamic State militants in Iraq & Syria is global and that the response must be glob...