Hillary announces she is running for president

Hillary announces she is running for president

She's been Secretary of State, a senator, and the First Lady -- now Hillary Clinton is looking to add one more job to her resume -- Presiden...

For GOP, Hillary's age is off limits for now

For GOP, Hillary's age is off limits for now

Even as they pillory Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton for everything from using private email as Secretary of State to foreign donati...

Hillary Clinton says glad her emails were released

Hillary Clinton says glad her emails were released

As the State Department begins releasing Hillary Clinton's emails, the Democratic presidential candidate says the information they contained...

Govt finds e-mails Clinton never turned over

Govt finds e-mails Clinton never turned over

The U.S. Defense Department has found an email chain that Hillary Clinton did not give to the State Department, the State Department said on...

Iran's missile test may have violated U.N. resolution: White House

Iran's missile test may have violated U.N. resolution: White House

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest says an Iranian ballistic missile test over the weekend may have violated a U.N. Security Council r...

Kerry tells Belgium  'Je suis Bruxellois'

Kerry tells Belgium 'Je suis Bruxellois'

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry meets with Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel in Brussels and pledges further U.S. support to Belgium ...

China risks erecting  Great Wall of self-isolation : Carter

China risks erecting Great Wall of self-isolation : Carter

U.S. Defence Secretary Ash Carter urges China to join a "principled security network" for Asia during regional security summit. Rough Cut (n...

'We're at war': Notes from 9/11

'We're at war': Notes from 9/11

Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer releases his handwritten notes, locked in a vault for 15 years, that detail President Georg...

Trump has spoken with Obama since Oval Office meeting: White House

Trump has spoken with Obama since Oval Office meeting: White House

Press Secretary Josh Earnest says President-elect Donald Trump has spoken with President Barack Obama since their Oval Office meeting, but o...

Trump picks Tillerson for State

Trump picks Tillerson for State

President-elect Donald Trump chose Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson as his Secretary of State. As Fred Katayama reports, Tillerson could be in ...

Kissinger says Trump a  phenomenon

Kissinger says Trump a phenomenon

"Donald Trump is a phenomenon that foreign countries haven't seen," former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissingeron said on CBS' ...

U.N. vote was about pressuring two state solution: Kerry

U.N. vote was about pressuring two state solution: Kerry

In major speech, outgoing U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry defends the U.S. abstention of a U.N. resolution vote that demanded Israel end ...

Kerry makes dramatic plea for 2-state solution

Kerry makes dramatic plea for 2-state solution

Outgoing Secretary of State John Kerry discusses his vision for peace between Israel and Palestine, just days after Israeli Prime Minister B...

WH declines to comment on Kushner appointment, points to own ethical standards

WH declines to comment on Kushner appointment, points to own ethical standards

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest says Obama administration officials went through great lengths to comply with strict ethical requir...

Russia's Lavrov meets US counterpart Tillerson in Moscow

Russia's Lavrov meets US counterpart Tillerson in Moscow

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson meets Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow, acknowledging "sharp differences" with the Kre...

Tillerson meets Lavrov for tense talks

Tillerson meets Lavrov for tense talks

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has met his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in Moscow with both sides exchanging barbs over Syria.