Bill O'Reilly vs. single mothers

Bill O'Reilly vs. single mothers

Aug. 5: FOX News host Bill O'Reilly has had a lot to say about race relations in America and the causes of problems within ...

Ted Cruz vs. Republicans over Obamacare

Ted Cruz vs. Republicans over Obamacare

Aug. 20: Senator Ted Cruz is trying to take the lead on defunding President Obama's health care reform act. His latest effo...

Food stamps: Rhetoric vs. reality

Food stamps: Rhetoric vs. reality

Sept. 20: Conservatives have tried to paint food stamp recipients as entitled, fraudulent moochers, but the facts tell a different sto...

Elizabeth Warren vs. Hillary Clinton?

Elizabeth Warren vs. Hillary Clinton?

Nov. 11: Could Senator Elizabeth Warren provide a real challenge to Hillary Clinton in 2016? Lawrence O'Donnell talks to Ar...

Stink tank: Heritage vs. the GOP

Stink tank: Heritage vs. the GOP

Nov. 25: An activist offshoot run by a 31-year-old has driven a respected think tank off a cliff - and it has many Republic...

Rugged individualism vs. community endeavor

Rugged individualism vs. community endeavor

Dec. 5: President Obama joins Chris Matthews to discuss issues of equality and government's role in people's lives, as well...

Edward Snowden vs. the Pope

Edward Snowden vs. the Pope

Dec. 11: Chris Hayes talks with The Nation's Michelle Goldberg, Business Insider's Josh Barro, and Democracy Now's Amy Good...

Ted Cruz vs. John Boehner

Ted Cruz vs. John Boehner

Dec. 12: It's hard out there for a Speaker of the House: Tea Party and conservative groups are attacking John Boehner as Te...

GOP vs. the people

GOP vs. the people

Dec. 13: A North Carolina Republican's remarks reflect the thinking of a GOP that has turned its back on much of the nation...

James Madison vs. the NSA

James Madison vs. the NSA

Dec. 17: Lawrence O'Donnell picks apart a claim by a federal judge that Founding Father James Madison would be "aghast" at ...

Christie's ‘bipartisanship’ vs. GOP shark tank

Christie's ‘bipartisanship’ vs. GOP shark tank

Jan. 14: Chris Christie mentions his bipartisan work multiple times in his state of the state address, but what does it mea...

GOP vs. Chris Christie?

GOP vs. Chris Christie?

Jan. 20: Will Republicans stick by Chris Christie as head of the Republican Governor's Association and what about a candida...

Clinton vs. Paul vs. Rove

Clinton vs. Paul vs. Rove

Feb. 11: As a new biography of Hillary Clinton is released, Rand Paul resurrects the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Lawrence O'Do...

Clinton vs. Sanders in 2016?

Clinton vs. Sanders in 2016?

March 6: Independent from VT, Sen. Bernie Sanders explains to Ed Schultz his potential presidential run, since he believes Hillary mig...

Christie vs. Tesla?

Christie vs. Tesla?

March 14: Chris Hayes explains how New Jersey Governor Chris Christie clamped down on one of America's most innovative companies.  

Obama vs. Putin and Romney

Obama vs. Putin and Romney

March 25: Today Pres. Obama was asked if Mitt Romney was right about Russia being our "biggest geopolitical foe." Eugene Robinson and ...

Don Blankenship vs. the world

Don Blankenship vs. the world

March 31: Don Blankenship, the onetime Massey Energy boss, tells Steve Kornacki that reports blaming Massey Energy for the Upper Big B...

Joffrey Vs. Nellie: Who's the ultimate villain?

Joffrey Vs. Nellie: Who's the ultimate villain?

April 30: Alison Arngrim, who played Nellie Oleson on 'Little House on the Prairie,' sizes up the competition for the most evil villai...

UCSB victim’s dad vs. gun rights lobby

UCSB victim’s dad vs. gun rights lobby

May 27: Richard Martinez wonders when gun rights lobby will attack him.  “My son’s dead.  There’s nothing they can do to me th...

Mainstream media's desire for a moderate GOP

Mainstream media's desire for a moderate GOP

Nov. 6: In Ask Ed Live, Ed Schultz explains Chris Christie's moderate manipulation. Plus, Ed debunks the 2016 rumor mill ab...