Marriage equality grows, alienates right wing

Marriage equality grows, alienates right wing

Nov. 12: Rachel Maddow reports on the passage of marriage equality in Hawaii as state laws catch up with American attitudes...

Hawaii health official dies in plane crash

Hawaii health official dies in plane crash

Dec. 12: The director of Hawaii’s Department of Health Loretta Fuddy was killed Wednesday in a plane crash. The eight oth...

Mandela memorial interpreter admits schizophrenia

Mandela memorial interpreter admits schizophrenia

Dec. 12: The “fake” sign language interpreter who stood mere feet from several world leaders during Nelson Mandela’s ...

Boehner's latest battle

Boehner's latest battle

Dec. 12: After the Ryan-Murray budget passes in the House, Chris Hayes talks with guests about John Boehner breaking free f...

No strings attached

No strings attached

Dec. 12: Today, House Speaker John Boehner opened up the possibility that he might be sick of being the puppet of the Tea P...

Congress fails to tackle immigration reform

Congress fails to tackle immigration reform

Dec. 12: Rachel Maddow reports that Congress is out of time to take up immigration reform this year, despite admirable effo...

GOP losing patience with conservatives

GOP losing patience with conservatives

Dec. 12: MSNBC's Chris Hayes talks with Rachel Maddow about whether the GOP will stand up to conservative extremists.  

Pelosi on House GOP's 'anti-government ideology'

Pelosi on House GOP's 'anti-government ideology'

Dec. 12: Nancy Pelosi sat down with Alex Wagner to discuss her 26 years of experience in Congress, and the current state of...

Celebrities push for Obamacare

Celebrities push for Obamacare

Dec. 12: Los Angeles Times' reporter Maeve Reston talks with Alex Wagner about the celebrity launch of the "Tell a Friend -...

Ted Cruz vs. John Boehner

Ted Cruz vs. John Boehner

Dec. 12: It's hard out there for a Speaker of the House: Tea Party and conservative groups are attacking John Boehner as Te...

Bad budget deal for all those out of work

Bad budget deal for all those out of work

Dec. 12: Paul Ryan’s budget deal heads to the House floor, while unemployment insurance remains missing from the negotiat...

Filibuster fight

Filibuster fight

Dec. 12: Senate Republicans are taking their fight over the filibuster rule change to the Senate Floor. Alex Wagner talks t...

GOP states falling behind on health coverage

GOP states falling behind on health coverage

Dec. 12: Rachel Maddow shows that people in Democratic states are gaining health care coverage faster than those in Republi...

Ron Johnson runs from health care comments

Ron Johnson runs from health care comments

Dec. 12: In Trenders, Beck criticizes TIME's Person of the Year, while right wingers' redefine the First Amendment. Ed Schu...

GOP congressional members want their vacation

GOP congressional members want their vacation

Dec. 12: Harry Reid invokes the nuclear option, forcing Congress to actually do their job before leaving until 2014. Ed Sch...

Michigan passes 'rape insurance' law

Michigan passes 'rape insurance' law

Dec. 12: MSNBC's Alex Wagner talks to Michigan Democratic State Rep. Kate Segal about the state's new law that will force w...

Rape victim battles 'repugnant' abortion law

Rape victim battles 'repugnant' abortion law

Dec. 12: State Sen. Gretchen Whitmer, (D) Michigan, talks with Rachel Maddow about female legislators going public with per...

Michigan women stare down 'rape insurance'

Michigan women stare down 'rape insurance'

Dec. 12: Republicans pass an initiative that bans insurance companies from covering abortion in standard plans - but oppone...

Fear of a black Santa

Fear of a black Santa

Dec. 12: Fox News broke a big story last night, in case you missed it - both Jesus and Santa Claus are white.  

Dems challenge Synder's anti-union policy

Dems challenge Synder's anti-union policy

Dec. 12: Conservative Gov. Rick Snyder fought to destroy unions last year, passing the Right to Work bill in Michigan. Ed S...

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