Obama-Putin agree and disagree over Syria

Obama-Putin agree and disagree over Syria

Obama and Putin agree to seek a diplomatic end to the Syria conflict but differ over whether President Bashar al-Assad should stay in power....

Islamic State and Syrian army both claim gains in Palmyra

Islamic State and Syrian army both claim gains in Palmyra

Islamic State militants and Syria's Russian-backed army both claim to have the upper hand in the battle to control the ancient desert c...

No change seen for U.S. on Syria after gas attack

No change seen for U.S. on Syria after gas attack

The White House on Tuesday blamed a deadly chemical weapons attack in Syria's Idlib province on the government of President Bashar al-A...

World anger at suspected Syria gas attack

World anger at suspected Syria gas attack

(WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT) A vote on a U.N. resolution condemning a suspected Syria gas attack is expected on Wednesday. The United States, B...

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