Explosion In Afghanistan Nearly Kills Two Soldiers

Explosion In Afghanistan Nearly Kills Two Soldiers

A controlled detonation goes wrong when a blast detonates early nearly killing two soldiers. It is unknown what caused the premature detonat...



Afghanistan: a country misunderstood, depressed by conflict, fighting for stability. A country, thought of as inhospitable, is in fact home ...

President Obama Delivers a Statement on Afghanistan

President Obama Delivers a Statement on Afghanistan

Live coverage of this event has concluded. Drag the counter along the timeline below the stream to replay. The full video will be posted to ...

Taliban Take Credit for Attack on U.S. Base in Afghanistan

Taliban Take Credit for Attack on U.S. Base in Afghanistan

The Taliban is taking responsibility for attacking a U.S. military base in eastern Afghanistan Monday morning. At least three attackers were...

Attack on Red Cross in eastern Afghanistan

Attack on Red Cross in eastern Afghanistan

--Part audio as incoming -- Chaos on the streets of eastern Afghanistan as the International Committee of the Red Cross comes under attack. ...

L'ONU dénonce les attaques de drones américains au Pakistan et en Afghanistan

L'ONU dénonce les attaques de drones américains au Pakistan et en Afghanistan

L'ONU dénonce les attaques de drones américains au Pakistan et en Afghanistan  

Quail fighting is a big money sport in Afghanistan - video

Quail fighting is a big money sport in Afghanistan - video

Abdul Majeed has caught quail to sell as fighting birds since he was 15, making up to £650 for the best quality fighters. Quail fighting ha...

Afghanistan : le VBCI, nouvelle plus-value pour la task force Lafayette

Afghanistan : le VBCI, nouvelle plus-value pour la task force Lafayette

Les véhicules blindés de combat d’infanterie (VBCI) sont déployés en Afghanistan depuis le 25 juin 2010.Ils ont été déclarés opér...

Soldats en Afghanistan, un livre hommage

Soldats en Afghanistan, un livre hommage

Impressions Afghanes. Le photographe Thomas Goisque et l'écrivain voyageur Sylvain Tesson, ont parcouru l'Afghanistan en guerre. Leur témo...

A waiting game in Afghanistan

A waiting game in Afghanistan

It's a waiting game in Afghanistan. Foreign combat forces are expected to leave the country by the end of next year -- handing security resp...

Four NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan

Four NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan

Two soldiers and a civilian, all American, have been killed in a so- called 'insider attack' following an argument with a man in Afghan army...

Bomb targets Afghanistan Supreme Court

Bomb targets Afghanistan Supreme Court

WARNING: THIS VIDEO CONTAINS GRAPHIC CONTENT Chaos outside Afghanistan's Supreme Court. People rush to help the wounded after a car bomb exp...

Kurt Krömer über Gags in Afghanistan ohne 'Quietscher'

Kurt Krömer über Gags in Afghanistan ohne 'Quietscher'

Entertainer Kurt Krömer war am Freitagabend in der NDR-Talkshow '3 nach 9' zu Gast. Ausführlich erzählte der Berliner von seinem Truppenb...

Afghanistan Parliament Rejects Minor Women's Rights Proposal

Afghanistan Parliament Rejects Minor Women's Rights Proposal

The parliamentary government of Afghanistan has voted to reject a proposal that would have passed laws stopping girls younger than 16 from g...

Afghan Forces Take Afghanistan Security Lead

Afghan Forces Take Afghanistan Security Lead

Afghan forces have taken over the security lead in Afghanistan, following an official handover from the US-led NATO coalition on Tuesday. (J...

Security detail handed over in Afghanistan

Security detail handed over in Afghanistan

A blast in the Afghan capital Kabul kills three and wounds dozens more - less than two hours before a ceremony to mark the formal handover b...

Afghanistan: Obama espère une poursuite des discussions

Afghanistan: Obama espère une poursuite des discussions

Le président américain Barack Obama a déclaré mercredi à Berlin qu'il espérait la poursuite du processus de réconciliation en Afghani...

Simon Cowell Bringing Afghanistan's Got Talent to TV

Simon Cowell Bringing Afghanistan's Got Talent to TV

Simon Cowell is prepping to bring Afghanistan's Got Talent to TV near you.  

En visite en Afghanistan, David Cameron prône le...

En visite en Afghanistan, David Cameron prône le...

David Cameron en visite surprise en Afghanistan. Un déplacement au cours duquel le Premier ministre a soutenu l'idée d'un dialogue avec le...

British PM Cameron in Afghanistan to revive peace talks

British PM Cameron in Afghanistan to revive peace talks

British Prime Minister David Cameron has made a surprise visit to Afghanistan hoping to revive stalled Taliban peace talks and reassure Afgh...

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