Ban ki-moon's lullaby

Ban ki-moon's lullaby

Ban Ki-moon's remarks to the Nuclear Security Summit 2014, makes world leaders fall asleep First time i'm on obambas side - i feel weird bu...

A couple of yahoos chase a grizzly in their truck

A couple of yahoos chase a grizzly in their truck

After posting the video online, the incident was investigated by US Fish and Wildlife and the driver was fined $400 for harassing a threaten...

Israeli police clash with Palestinian protesters near al-Aqsa mosque as Ban Ki-moon slams Israel’s ‘colonisation’

Israeli police clash with Palestinian protesters near al-Aqsa mosque as Ban Ki-moon slams Israel’s ‘colonisation’

Police and Palestinian demonstrators have again clashed in Jerusalem following morning prayers at al-Aqsa mosque. Police were attacked wi...

Ban Ki-moon calls destruction in Gaza “indescribable” and promises aid to rebuild

Ban Ki-moon calls destruction in Gaza “indescribable” and promises aid to rebuild

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has concluded his two-day trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories with a visit to Gaza to see th...

Ban Ki-moon praises healthcare workers in Ebola-hit African countries

Ban Ki-moon praises healthcare workers in Ebola-hit African countries

During a trip to Sierra Leone and Liberia the United Nation’s Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has praised healthcare workers fighting the Eb...

Mogherini, Renzi and Ban Ki-moon visit migrant rescue operation

Mogherini, Renzi and Ban Ki-moon visit migrant rescue operation

Leaders from Italy, the EU and UN boarded an Italian naval vessel off the coast of Sicily to see at first hand the Mediterranean operation t...

N Korea cancels Ban Ki-moon visit

N Korea cancels Ban Ki-moon visit

The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says a rare visit to North Korea has been cancelled because Pyongyang has retracted its app...

‘While the parties bicker, Yemen burns:’ Ban Ki-moon opens Geneva peace talks

‘While the parties bicker, Yemen burns:’ Ban Ki-moon opens Geneva peace talks

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon opened peace talks on Yemen with a chilling warning: “When the parties bicker, Yemen burns....

Ban Ki Moon dismisses Netanyahu’s “bolstering terrorism” accusation

Ban Ki Moon dismisses Netanyahu’s “bolstering terrorism” accusation

The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon has not taken his tongue-lashing from Israel’s leader Bejamin Netanyahu lying down. Netanyahu said ...

Ban Ki-moon visits Burundi to try to end months of violence

Ban Ki-moon visits Burundi to try to end months of violence

Under pressure to end the bloodshed in Burundi, Ban Ki-moon has flown to the central African nation. But just hours before the UN Secretar...

Yahoo – is this the world’s biggest cyber security breach?

Yahoo – is this the world’s biggest cyber security breach?

Yahoo Inc has revealed the security of at least 500 million user accounts may have been breached at the end of 2014. The company says info...

Syria: UN’s Ban Ki-moon ‘appalled by chilling military escalation’ in Aleppo

Syria: UN’s Ban Ki-moon ‘appalled by chilling military escalation’ in Aleppo

The death toll in Aleppo is said to have risen above 200 in just two days, provoking a strong reaction from United Nations Secretary-General...

Yahoo “complies with NSA and FBI requests to scan customers’ emails” – reports

Yahoo “complies with NSA and FBI requests to scan customers’ emails” – reports

Yahoo is said to have built a custom-made software program to scan all of its clients’ incoming emails on behalf of the US government. R...

Ban Ki-moon congratulates Trump's victory in US elections

Ban Ki-moon congratulates Trump's victory in US elections

Ban Ki-moon congratulates Trump's victory in US elections  

Yahoo reveals one billion users hit in second cyber attack

Yahoo reveals one billion users hit in second cyber attack

Yahoo has admitted yet another cyber attack but this time one billion user accounts may have been affected. The hack dates back to 2013 and ...

Breakaway South Korean New Conservatives want Ban Ki-moon to topple President Park

Breakaway South Korean New Conservatives want Ban Ki-moon to topple President Park

South Korea’s Constitutional Court has held a second hearing on the case of the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye. It will next meet ...

Yippie Ki yay Mother......

Yippie Ki yay Mother......

Didn't see that coming..  

UN secretary Ban Ki Mon tells the world the UN biased against Israel

UN secretary Ban Ki Mon tells the world the UN biased against Israel

They knew it! We knew it! The world knew it! and now he is telling in his own words. Where was he all these years? Why now when he is out of...

International outrage at Egypt court decisions

International outrage at Egypt court decisions

24/06 05:59 CET #financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; width:300px; height:180px; margin-lef...