Trump on protest detour:  Felt like I was crossing the border

Trump on protest detour: Felt like I was crossing the border

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, known for his hardline stand on illegal immigration, says it felt like he was crossing th...

Trump:  We have a bunch of babies running our country

Trump: We have a bunch of babies running our country

Republican presidential nominee Trump targets the Obamas, telling supporters, "We have a bunch of babies running our country." Rough Cut (no...

Greeks divided over new bailout terms as country prepares to reopen banks

Greeks divided over new bailout terms as country prepares to reopen banks

Greece prepares to reopen banks for the first time in three weeks, with its people divided over the terms of an aid package. Diane Hodges re...

Tensions boil over at Croatia border crossing

Tensions boil over at Croatia border crossing

Clashes break out as refugees and migrants wait at the Croatian border, on the next stage of their journey across Europe. Rough cut (no repo...

Countries cut links with Qatar over 'terrorism'

Countries cut links with Qatar over 'terrorism'

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain severed their ties with Qatar on Monday, accusing it of supporting terrorism and o...

Environmentalists shine World Cup spotlight on  vulnerable  mascot

Environmentalists shine World Cup spotlight on vulnerable mascot

June 16 - With attention focused on the world's greatest soccer stars in Brazil, conservationists are working hard to promote the plight of ...

Obama sends military advisors to Iraq

Obama sends military advisors to Iraq

June 19 - President Barack Obama says U.S. forces "will not be returning to combat in Iraq" after announcing plans to send 300 military pers...

Obama tells Congress U.S. deploying up to 275 troops to Iraq

Obama tells Congress U.S. deploying up to 275 troops to Iraq

June 16 - President Barack Obama tells Congress the U.S. is deploying up to 275 military personnel to Iraq as support and security for U.S. ...

Father of borewell plunge boy develops rescue robot

Father of borewell plunge boy develops rescue robot

A college professor in southern India has developed a robot with a human-like arm to help rescue children who accidentally fall into open bo...

This isn't theater. This is a problem : Obama on migrants

This isn't theater. This is a problem : Obama on migrants

U.S. President Obama urged Congress to pass his request for $3.7 billion in funds to address influx of migrant children from Central America...

Undercover stings, new laws can combat Syrian threat: U.S. Attorney General Holder

Undercover stings, new laws can combat Syrian threat: U.S. Attorney General Holder

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder urges countries in Europe and elsewhere to do more to keep their own citizens from traveling to Syria to f...

Gazans face water crisis

Gazans face water crisis

International Committee of the Red Cross warns of critical water shortage facing thousands in Gaza within days. Paul Chapman reports.">  

Obama, Central American leaders discuss child migrant crisis

Obama, Central American leaders discuss child migrant crisis

U.S. President Barack Obama hosts presidents from three Central American countries to find a solution to increased migration by unaccompanie...

77-year-old German retiree and her vintage car begin world tour

77-year-old German retiree and her vintage car begin world tour

A 77-year-old woman is determined to get to know the people in the 56 countries she plans to visit during her two-year adventure around the ...

Sky-rocketing  tiger trade blamed on growing Asian wealth

Sky-rocketing tiger trade blamed on growing Asian wealth

A leading conservationist warns that the illegal trade in tiger parts for medicinal purposes is increasing, despite improved efforts to save...

U.S. hits Islamic State fighters at Mosul Dam

U.S. hits Islamic State fighters at Mosul Dam

The Pentagon releases video it says shows U.S. military airstrikes against Islamic State targets near Mosul Dam in Iraq, as Yazidis try to f...

Rare respiratory virus hitting children likely to spread across U.S.

Rare respiratory virus hitting children likely to spread across U.S.

A potentially deadly respiratory virus that has sent hundreds of kids to the hospital in the Midwest is likely to spread across the country ...

Olinguito to be freed after being held captive by shaman

Olinguito to be freed after being held captive by shaman

An olinguito will soon be set free after being rescued from the clutches of a medicine man in Ecuador. The furry creature is a member of a r...

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