Meteor lights up the sky over Georgia and Alabama

Meteor lights up the sky over Georgia and Alabama

Sept. 10: A baseball-sized meteor lights up the sky. NBC’s Brian Williams reports.  

2013 Bests: Gay in the head, Detroit's dragon

2013 Bests: Gay in the head, Detroit's dragon

Dec. 26: Rachel Maddow revisits 2013's Best New Things in the World, like the fire-breathing dragon that defended Detroit's...

Watch Gabby Giffords sky-dive to mark shooting

Watch Gabby Giffords sky-dive to mark shooting

Jan. 9: In a TODAY exclusive, the former congresswoman achieves an important milestone on her road to recovery, sky-diving ...

Detroit eatery pays workers a minimum of $12 per hour

Detroit eatery pays workers a minimum of $12 per hour

Aug. 6: For months, fast food workers in major cities across the country have been walking off the job, demanding better pa...

Super-sized strikers want more pay

Super-sized strikers want more pay

Aug. 29: Workers of fast food restaurants are striking for an increase in wages, reports CNBC's Jackie DeAngelis. In New Yo...

A dramatic display of labor’s power

A dramatic display of labor’s power

Aug. 31: Thousands of workers walked out of hundreds of fast food restaurants in nearly 60 cities throughout the U.S., dema...

Does the Tortilla caucus rules the GOP?

Does the Tortilla caucus rules the GOP?

Oct. 15: Sen. Ted Cruz and a group of House republicans discuss strategy in the basement of a Capitol Hill Tex-Mex restaura...

Large meteor lands in Canada

Large meteor lands in Canada

Nov. 23: A dashboard camera captures images of a ball of flame streaking across the sky in the Canadian province of Edmonton, Alberta. It is...

Pharrell’s hat at Grammys makes headlines

Pharrell’s hat at Grammys makes headlines

Jan. 27: The hat that hip-hop musician Pharrell Williams wore to the Grammys Sunday night has gone viral, with everyone on ...

Just in time for prom, KFC unveils edible corsage

Just in time for prom, KFC unveils edible corsage

April 13: Chicken restaurant KFC has joined forces with a florist in Kentucky to launch a new product just in time for prom. The chain...