Hundreds gather for funeral of woman found dead in Texas jail

Hundreds gather for funeral of woman found dead in Texas jail

Crowds gather in suburban Chicago for the funeral of a black woman found dead in a Texas jail cell days after she was stopped for a minor tr...

Angry protest at funeral of Turkish bomb victims

Angry protest at funeral of Turkish bomb victims

Angry mourners pelt police with water bottles at a funeral for some of the victims of a suicide bombing in Turkey that killed at least 51 pe...

Scientist eats, drinks and paints simultaneously

Scientist eats, drinks and paints simultaneously

A computer scientist uses an eye-tracking robotic arm to paint a picture while simultaneously eating and drinking. Matthew Stock reports.  

Who owns the rights to a monkey's selfie?

Who owns the rights to a monkey's selfie?

Wikimedia, the owner of Wikipedia, is embroiled in a legal debate over the copyright of a picture showing a monkey taking a "selfie." Elly P...

Sony defends decision to cancel film release

Sony defends decision to cancel film release

Sony Pictures CEO defends decision to pull "The Interview" from movie theaters. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).">  

The Interview  streams online ahead of theatrical release

The Interview streams online ahead of theatrical release

Dec. 24 - The latest celebrity news including Sony Pictures makes its controversial comedy, "The Interview," available on Wednesday (Decembe...

Biden to Ramos family:  Our hearts ache for you

Biden to Ramos family: Our hearts ache for you

U.S. Vice President Biden said, "our hearts ache for you," at the funeral for Rafael Ramos, one of two police officers gunned down in New Yo...

AirAsia fuselage located

AirAsia fuselage located

Recovery crews make preparations to lift the AirAsia fuselage from the seabed as funeral services are held for some of the victims. Julie No...

Protesters clash with Baltimore police

Protesters clash with Baltimore police

Protesters hurl stones toward police in riot gear, after the funeral for 25-year-old Freddie Gray who died after being taken into police cus...

One person critically injured in Baltimore violence: Police

One person critically injured in Baltimore violence: Police

Police say one person was critically injured during violent protests in Baltimore after Monday's funeral for a black man who died in police ...

Trump calls Schlafly a  fierce and tireless warrior

Trump calls Schlafly a fierce and tireless warrior

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump honored conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly at her funeral service saying she was a "strong, pro...