Pigeons Eat Bread Crumbs off Student

Pigeons Eat Bread Crumbs off Student

This student had the bright idea to lay on the sidewalk and have pigeons eat breadcrumbs off his body. He laughed with glee as the animals ...

The Crappies Are In!

The Crappies Are In!

A quick your say on the fall fishing here.  

A most dangerous profession: Reporters without Borders’ 2014 annual report paints bleak picture for news gatherers

A most dangerous profession: Reporters without Borders’ 2014 annual report paints bleak picture for news gatherers

On the face of it, with fewer journalists killed this year trying to bring us the news, 2014 was a good one for the safety of reporters. Thi...

1899 Footage Of Woman Feeding Native Children LIKE BIRDS

1899 Footage Of Woman Feeding Native Children LIKE BIRDS

Some funny footage here of two women feeding indigenous children bread crumbs like birds at the park. Filmed by a cameraman hired by the wor...