Military Vets Head to Philippines for Typhoon Relief Efforts

Military Vets Head to Philippines for Typhoon Relief Efforts

U.S. military veterans from the Los Angeles-based nonprofit Team Rubicon are headed to the Philippines to aid with search-and-rescue efforts...

Philippines: Death toll less than feared

Philippines: Death toll less than feared

Officials now say the number of dead after Typhoon Haiyan tore through the central Philippines is probably closer to 2,500 than the 10,000 p...

Food Still Scarce in the Philippines' Hardest-hit City

Food Still Scarce in the Philippines' Hardest-hit City

Survivors of Typhoon Haiyan in Tacloban, the Philippines' hardest-hit city, continue to struggle to find food nine days after the storm. As ...

Naufrage aux Philippines: les secours veulent croire au miracle

Naufrage aux Philippines: les secours veulent croire au miracle

Les secours aux Philippines poursuivaient leurs opérations dimanche 18 août pour retrouver les personnes portées disparues après le nauf...

Philippine ferry rescuers search amid fading hopes

Philippine ferry rescuers search amid fading hopes

Philippine divers hauled bodies out of rough seas on Sunday in the grisly aftermath of a ferry disaster that claimed at least 38 lives near ...

Families mourn Philippines ferry sinking victims

Families mourn Philippines ferry sinking victims

Families in the Philippines have been mourning the loss of their loved ones after a ferry sank, killing at least 34 people. Report by Kerrs...

Philippines : les secours veulent croire au miracle...

Philippines : les secours veulent croire au miracle...

Les garde-côtes philippins poursuivent leurs opérations pour retrouver 85 personnes portées disparues après le naufrage d'un ferry au ce...

Raw: Search for Ferry Survivors in Philippines

Raw: Search for Ferry Survivors in Philippines

The Philippine coast guard now says at least 39 people were killed when a ferry collided with a cargo ship and sank on Friday. Officials say...

Philippines : les rues de Manille sous les eaux

Philippines : les rues de Manille sous les eaux

Des pluies torrentielles se sont abattues sur la capitale des Philippines et ont provoqué la montée des eaux dans plusieurs quartiers de c...

Philippine coastguard footage shows ferry disaster rescue

Philippine coastguard footage shows ferry disaster rescue

The Philippine coastguard releases night footage showing survivors of the country's ferry disaster being rescued.Duration: 00:47  

Trip aux philippines part 1 - Banaue / Batad

Trip aux philippines part 1 - Banaue / Batad

1ere partie de notre voyage aux Philippines / Printemps 2013 le Nord, Banaue, trek à Batad, Cambulo, etc  

Philippines: Manille quasiment paralysée par des inondations. Durée: 00:36

Philippines: Manille quasiment paralysée par des inondations. Durée: 00:36

Manille, capitale des Philippines, est quasiment paralysée après des pluies torrentielles qui ont provoqué la montée des eaux dans plusi...

7 dead as heavy rains pummel flooded Philippines

7 dead as heavy rains pummel flooded Philippines

Flood-battered residents of the Philippine capital and surrounding areas appeal for help as relentless monsoon rains, which have claimed at ...

Search for sunken Philippine ferry continues - no comment

Search for sunken Philippine ferry continues - no comment

Divers have been assessing the wreckage of the Philippine ferry that sank off the coast of the island of Cebu on Friday, leaving at least 50...

The Philippines holds Silent Film Festival

The Philippines holds Silent Film Festival

Audiences in the Philippines have been attending the country's 7th International Silent Film Festival. The only event of its kind in Asia, ...

Social media fuels massive Philippine anti-graft rally

Social media fuels massive Philippine anti-graft rally

Tens of thousands of protesters gather in the Philippine capital to voice outrage at corrupt politicians, in a modern-day "People Power" ral...

Dead whale shark found off Philippines coast

Dead whale shark found off Philippines coast

A young whale shark has been found dead drifting along Manila Bay, one of the most polluted bodies of water in the Philippines. Report by Ke...

Scènes de guerre aux Philippines

Scènes de guerre aux Philippines

Les rebelles d'un mouvement islamiste philippin ont pris des dizaines d'otages mardi et échangé des tirs avec les forces armées au 2ème ...

New clashes between Islamic rebels and Philippine...

New clashes between Islamic rebels and Philippine...

Fresh violence has erupted in the southern Philippines.Muslim rebels, fighting for independence, have battled government forces.The clashes,...

Muslim rebels locked in standoff with Philippine army

Muslim rebels locked in standoff with Philippine army

Muslim rebels seize more hostages and trade gunfire with Philippines troops in the second day of a stand-off after mounting a deadly attack ...