Vatican on priestly celibacy: It’s tradition, not dogma

Vatican on priestly celibacy: It’s tradition, not dogma

Sept. 11: Archbishop Pietro Parolin, the secretary of state of the Vatican, opens up about potential modifications to the strict tradi...

Reid labels Bachmann a 'modern day anarchist'

Reid labels Bachmann a 'modern day anarchist'

Oct. 2: Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid levels criticism at House Republicans over 'celebrating the shutdown,'...

Government shutdown blocks girl from clinical trial

Government shutdown blocks girl from clinical trial

Oct. 6: More than 13,000 National Institutes of Health workers are furloughed, leaving those who were to participate in cli...

Radical right unite pretending to talk values

Radical right unite pretending to talk values

Oct. 11: Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul join forces at the Values Voter Summit, making for pure entertainment. O...

Radical right unite pretending to talk values

Radical right unite pretending to talk values

Oct. 11: Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul join forces at the Values Voter Summit, making for pure entertainment. O...

Confederate flag overshadows vets at DC rally

Confederate flag overshadows vets at DC rally

Oct. 14: Chris Hayes looks at this weekend's shutdown rally with Robert George, Michelle Goldberg, and Josh Barro and talks...

The failure of House moderates

The failure of House moderates

Oct. 17: Chris Hayes talks about so-called "moderate Republicans" the day after Republican defeat with Bruce Bartlett, Mich...

Kerry Washington has an extra busy night on ‘SNL’

Kerry Washington has an extra busy night on ‘SNL’

Nov. 4: As “Saturday Night Live” faces criticism for having had few African-American women in its cast over its long hi...

First lady recalls teachers doubting her Princeton ambitions

First lady recalls teachers doubting her Princeton ambitions

Nov. 12: First lady Michelle Obama talks about her high school education and the challenges that she faced. Obama made the ...

Obamas, Clintons lay wreath at JFK's gravesite

Obamas, Clintons lay wreath at JFK's gravesite

Nov. 20: President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama, along with former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of St...

Nigella Lawson back on stand in fraud trial

Nigella Lawson back on stand in fraud trial

Dec. 5: Nigella Lawson is back on the stand Thursday in a trial against her former assistants, who are charged with stealin...

Was the first lady annoyed at the Obama selfie?

Was the first lady annoyed at the Obama selfie?

Dec. 11: In TODAY’s Take, the team discusses the presidential selfie shot seen around the world — featuring President O...

Edward Snowden vs. the Pope

Edward Snowden vs. the Pope

Dec. 11: Chris Hayes talks with The Nation's Michelle Goldberg, Business Insider's Josh Barro, and Democracy Now's Amy Good...

Bachmann's praying the ACA away

Bachmann's praying the ACA away

Feb. 13: Earning the title of Ed Schultz's Pretender, anti-Obamacare cheerleader Michele Bachmann shares her latest tactic ...

Obama and Biden go jogging through White House

Obama and Biden go jogging through White House

Feb. 28: In support of Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden went run...

CPAC and the state of conservatism

CPAC and the state of conservatism

Media Matters' Eric Boehlert, Heartland Institute's Ben Domenech and the Nation's Michelle Goldberg talk to Chris about the first day of CPA...

GOP 'brilliant' love for Green Eggs and Ham

GOP 'brilliant' love for Green Eggs and Ham

March 10: Rep. Michele Bachmann kicked off CPAC explaining the strong GOP intellect right before Sarah Palin read "Green Eggs and Ham....

Duggars on dating: No kissing ’til marriage

Duggars on dating: No kissing ’til marriage

April 1: Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar share thoughts on the differences between dating and courtship, and what guidelines their childre...

Tea partier spoke at pro-cockfighting rally

Tea partier spoke at pro-cockfighting rally

April 4: Kentucky tea party-backed Senate hopeful Matt Bevin is defending himself after being recently spotted at a pro-cockfighting r...

GOP reacts to Obamacare enrollment milestone

GOP reacts to Obamacare enrollment milestone

April 3: Joan Walsh and Michelle Bernard join Hardball to discuss the negative reaction from some on the right to the news that health...