17-year-old victim of Turkey wedding attack buried

17-year-old victim of Turkey wedding attack buried

Relatives bury a 17-year-old victim of Saturday's wedding-party suicide attack in the southeastern city of Gaziantep. He was one of 54 ...

Twin tornadoes pummel U.S. state of Nebraska, killing one

Twin tornadoes pummel U.S. state of Nebraska, killing one

June 17 - A swarm of tornadoes, some appearing two at a time, strike several farming communities in northeastern Nebraska, killing at least ...

Obama says captured Benghazi suspect is on way to the U.S.

Obama says captured Benghazi suspect is on way to the U.S.

June 17 - U.S. President Obama said that Ahmed Abu Khatallah, the suspected ringleader of the 2012 attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, ...

Politics over Benghazi capture on Capitol Hill

Politics over Benghazi capture on Capitol Hill

June 17 - Democrats applaud capture of suspect in 2012 Benghazi attacks as Republicans raise concerns about prosecuting him in court rather ...

U.S. Senate panel scolds TV's Dr. Oz over diet claims

U.S. Senate panel scolds TV's Dr. Oz over diet claims

June 17 - A U.S. Senate panel probing bogus diet product ads took celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz to task Tuesday for touting weight-loss product...

California drought expected to cost state $2.2 billion in losses

California drought expected to cost state $2.2 billion in losses

California's drought is expected to cost the state more than $2 billion this year as well as some 17,000 jobs. Mana Rabiee reports">  

Obama pressures Russia, Putin in Ukraine crash probe

Obama pressures Russia, Putin in Ukraine crash probe

U.S. President Obama piles pressure on Russia's Putin to force Ukraine's separatists to cooperate in crash investigation of Malaysia Airline...

Debris confirmed from MH370; relatives hope for discovery of crash site

Debris confirmed from MH370; relatives hope for discovery of crash site

Malaysian officials confirm a breakthrough in the search for Malaysian Airlines flight 370, which disappeared 17 months ago. Diane Hodges re...

First women elected to Saudi local councils

First women elected to Saudi local councils

Up to 17 women are elected into public office in Saudi Arabia after winning seats on municipal councils in the conservative Islamic kingdom....