Hit Netflix series hits on serious issues about prison, mental health

Hit Netflix series hits on serious issues about prison, mental health

Aug. 4: Members of the cast of "Orange Is The New Black" discuss the serious aspects of their show and what commentary it p...

Mental health concerns could move gun laws

Mental health concerns could move gun laws

Sept. 17: John Stanton, Washington bureau chief at Buzzfeed, talks with Rachel Maddow about the rigidity of congressional will to pass...

Mental health concerns could move gun laws

Mental health concerns could move gun laws

Sept. 17: John Stanton, Washington bureau chief at Buzzfeed, talks with Rachel Maddow about the rigidity of congressional will to pass...

Mental health system eyed in Virginia tragedy

Mental health system eyed in Virginia tragedy

Nov. 19: Rachel Maddow reports on a tragedy for Virginia State Senator Creigh Deeds and indications that his son did not re...

Obama leaves door open to diplomatic solution

Obama leaves door open to diplomatic solution

Sept. 11: The All In panel discusses the mentality of Assad, where Obama will go next in terms of military versus diplomatic overtures...

Navy yard gunman's background offers clues

Navy yard gunman's background offers clues

Sept. 16: Rachel Maddow reports on the background of suspected Washington Navy Yard shooter, Aaron Alexis, with police reports from Se...

Shooter exposes flaw in contractor security

Shooter exposes flaw in contractor security

Sept. 17: Rachel Maddow reports on how the suspected Washington Navy Yard shooter was able to obtain security clearance as a military ...

Schultz: ‘Nothing is going to happen with gun control’

Schultz: ‘Nothing is going to happen with gun control’

Sept. 17: Ed Schultz is fired up about the inability of Congress to have real, meaningful Gun Control conversation. The responsibility...

Shooter exposes flaw in contractor security

Shooter exposes flaw in contractor security

Sept. 17: Rachel Maddow reports on how the suspected Washington Navy Yard shooter was able to obtain security clearance as a military ...

Shooter exposes flaw in contractor security

Shooter exposes flaw in contractor security

Sept. 17: Rachel Maddow reports on how the suspected Washington Navy Yard shooter was able to obtain security clearance as a military ...

Miriam Carey’s family reacts to her death

Miriam Carey’s family reacts to her death

Oct. 5: The family of Miriam Carey, the woman who was shot and killed in a D.C. car chase after she allegedly tried to brea...

Rand Paul's America involves lots of oil

Rand Paul's America involves lots of oil

March 10: CPAC Straw Poll winner Sen. Rand Paul took a page from the GOP playbook touting the "Drill Baby Drill" mentality on Fox News...

Army again finds itself in 'deep grief'

Army again finds itself in 'deep grief'

April 3: Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., talks with Andrea Mitchell about military mental health assistance in the wake of the Fort Hood...

Notes on Christie's intv with investigators

Notes on Christie's intv with investigators

April 14: No transcripts but Christie's lawyers release their "mental thoughts and impressions" on 75 people they interviewed. Sal Riz...

Professor works to change future of business ethics

Professor works to change future of business ethics

April 10, 2013: Adam Grant, the youngest tenured professor at the University of Pennsylvania, is taking on the “greed is g...

Boyle: I just needed to get away

Boyle: I just needed to get away

July 22: Susan Boyle became the unlikeliest of stars when she wowed judges earlier this year on “Britain’s Got Talent.” In a TODAY exc...

LaPierre blames lack of security for Navy Yard shooting

LaPierre blames lack of security for Navy Yard shooting

Sept. 22: The NRA's Wayne LaPierre says on Meet the Press that the culprit for the Navy Yard shooting isn't the availability of firear...

Tourists flee as gunshots ring out in DC

Tourists flee as gunshots ring out in DC

Oct. 3: Washington, D.C., visitors were witness to the chaos that unfolded Thursday when police opened fire following a hig...

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