FIFA scandal: Blatter keeps low profile, sponsors threaten to review ties

FIFA scandal: Blatter keeps low profile, sponsors threaten to review ties

FIFA president Sepp Blatter has been avoiding scheduled appearances in Switzerland, as world football’s governing body is gripped by anoth...

Birthday Gift From The Prez............Yup

Birthday Gift From The Prez............Yup

#financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; width:300px; height:180px; margin-left: -150px; margin-top: -70p...

Man thinks he's being racially profiled and unfairly harassed by security officers at L.A. Live entertainment complex

Man thinks he's being racially profiled and unfairly harassed by security officers at L.A. Live entertainment complex

They told him he violated their code of conduct and then tried to hand a copy of it to him to read but he wasn't interested in doing so. He ...

The Profiler

The Profiler

This project is in the making again, has been put on a back-burner for waay too long. Cheers LiveLeakers #financial_support_div{...

This is what happens to all British peoples teeth when we blow out our Birthday cake candles!

This is what happens to all British peoples teeth when we blow out our Birthday cake candles!

#financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; width:300px; height:180px; margin-left: -150px; margin-top: -70p...

Serbian football fans congratulate Putins birthday

Serbian football fans congratulate Putins birthday

0:30 song Katyusha 1:20 Putin,oooooooooo! 3:45 long live Russian empire 4:05 RUSSIA,RUSSIA,RUSSIA!  

Calais: Cazeneuve rejects high-profile attack over “The Jungle”

Calais: Cazeneuve rejects high-profile attack over “The Jungle”

The French Interior Minister has rejected accusations that his government is not doing enough to improve conditions in the enormous migrant ...

Racially Profiled Customer-

Racially Profiled Customer-"Bigoted Game Shop employees refused sale to me over ID with credit card issue"

Here's his version of events- Tried to purchase from game stop in Stroudsburg, PA. Racist clerk wouldn't complete sale unless ID was present...

Girl treated  with penis cake by co-workers at birthday party

Girl treated with penis cake by co-workers at birthday party

Having fun with co-workers is common in China. #financial_...

Awww Little Sister Buys Her Older Brother a Hamster With Her Own Birthday Money

Awww Little Sister Buys Her Older Brother a Hamster With Her Own Birthday Money

#financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; width:300px; height:180px; margin-left: -150px; margin-top: -70p...

Ukranian pilot convicted in high-profile Russian court case

Ukranian pilot convicted in high-profile Russian court case

Savchenko found guilty of complicity in killing of two journalists Will be sentenced on Tuesday Critics talk of a “show trial” Wha...

Obama and Castro meet ahead of high-profile talks in Havana

Obama and Castro meet ahead of high-profile talks in Havana

After a formal handshake in the Palace of the Revolution the presidents of the US and Cuba have headed off for a high-level meeting. It ma...

Wealthy women treated with young boys at birthday party

Wealthy women treated with young boys at birthday party

They pay big money to buy services from young boys. #financial_support...

Rome celebrates its 2,769th birthday

Rome celebrates its 2,769th birthday

Rome has reached the grand old age of 2,769. To celebrate the foundation of the Italian capital, a parade was held to portray key moments...

Can Clinton boost her public profile to win the White House?

Can Clinton boost her public profile to win the White House?

She may well have officially sealed the Democratic presidential nomination, but can Hillary Clinton convince more Americans to warm to her ...

50 high profile Republicans warn Trump would be “most reckless” US president

50 high profile Republicans warn Trump would be “most reckless” US president

Fifty Republican national security experts have written an open letter, warning that Donald Trump “would be the most reckless president”...

Happy Birthday To You, Buddhisme

Happy Birthday To You, Buddhisme

#financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; width:300px; height:180px; margin-left: -150px; margin-top: -70p...

Clare Hollingworth - Women Celebrates 105th Birthday

Clare Hollingworth - Women Celebrates 105th Birthday

#financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; width:300px; height:180px; margin-left: -150px; margin-top: -70p...

Turkey rocked by protests after high-profile arrests

Turkey rocked by protests after high-profile arrests

Police have fired tear gas to disperse crowds of demonstrators in Istanbul. Many are angry about the arrests overnight of several pro-Kurd...

Sky & tommy boy has their first birthday and beer kinda..

Sky & tommy boy has their first birthday and beer kinda..

Sitting back and doing what I do best.