Muscovites pour away Jack Daniel's in anti-sanctions protest

Muscovites pour away Jack Daniel's in anti-sanctions protest

Video ID: 20140930-016 W/S Bear and Mickey Mouse costumed flashmob members start fist fight M/S Bear and Mickey Mouse fist fight W/S Prot...

USA: This Ferguson pizza place is simmering with tensions

USA: This Ferguson pizza place is simmering with tensions

Video ID: 20141001-008 M/S Police, protesters and Faraci Pizza Restaurant customers W/S Police, protesters and Faraci Pizza Restaurant cust...


France: "We will attack sex industry!" FEMEN plot Moulin Rouge protest

Video ID: 20141006-035 W/S FEMEN activists putting together banner C/U Femen rolling up banner W/S Femen unveiling giant banner reading (En...

How do Democrats win elections? Fraud, of course...

How do Democrats win elections? Fraud, of course...

Another investigation by James O'Keefe proving once again how Democrats try to steal elections. This is all from the current election, as is...

Intense video shows Anonymous protesters trying to provoke police brutality

Intense video shows Anonymous protesters trying to provoke police brutality

Intense video footage taken at the FBI building in Washington DC on Wednesday, protesters participating in the “Million Mask March” conf...

USA: Swastikas on show at Texas KKK and NSM rally

USA: Swastikas on show at Texas KKK and NSM rally

Video ID:20141109-004 W/S Texas Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and National Socialist Movement members C/U Two counter-protesters chanting i...

Mexico: Watch moment a Guerrero cop is taken HOSTAGE

Mexico: Watch moment a Guerrero cop is taken HOSTAGE

Video ID: 20141112-003 M/S Riot police arguing with protesters, has his helmet taken away M/S Protesters advance on riot police M/S Riot po...

Ferguson Mo. Police Dispatch Michael Brown Shooting

Ferguson Mo. Police Dispatch Michael Brown Shooting

FERGUSON • The Aug. 9 fatal shooting here that sparked three months of protests and calls for change from around the world happened in l...

Haiti: Anti-government protest descends into chaos

Haiti: Anti-government protest descends into chaos

Video ID: 20141118-036 M/S Person lying on the floor with their t-shirt soaked in blood W/S Wounded person being carried away a group of p...

Romantic Boyfriend Tyne Creates the Ultimate Christmas Proposal

Romantic Boyfriend Tyne Creates the Ultimate Christmas Proposal

Jamie thought she was simply standing in for a family photograph on Christmas Eve 2013 when romantic boyfriend Tyne sprung a seasonal, life-...

Danish editor laments fear of extremism after Charlie Hebdo massacre

Danish editor laments fear of extremism after Charlie Hebdo massacre

The man in Denmark principally responsible for publishing controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in 2005 has spoken out after the Ch...

Big thug casually carjacks innocent woman at pump

Big thug casually carjacks innocent woman at pump

A brazen gas-station carjacker threatened a Toyota Camry’s owner with a knife before yanking the gas nozzle out of the vehicle, getting i...

A Message from Frankie MacDonald after Birthday

A Message from Frankie MacDonald after Birthday

I had a Great Birthday and i had Pizza and Ice Cream Cake and i have done Very Well on My Birthday and the Lost Cod Clothing Company Sent Me...

Egypt court postpones verdict in Port Said football retrial

Egypt court postpones verdict in Port Said football retrial

An Egyptian court has postponed the verdict in the Port Said football tragedy until the 9th of June. The retrial concerns 73 defendants, m...

Bully on Train

Bully on Train

Teen wearing ""I'm F___king Special" T-shirt, apparently man's wife name is call "Special"  

USA: 'Blood-stained' anti-Castro protester arrested outside new Cuban Embassy

USA: 'Blood-stained' anti-Castro protester arrested outside new Cuban Embassy

A protester wearing a 'blood-stained' t-shirt was arrested in Washington D.C. on Monday, after Washington and Havana officially resumed dipl...

‘I’ll put a bullet hole right through your f*cking head': Off-duty Mass. cop suspended for threatening driver

‘I’ll put a bullet hole right through your f*cking head': Off-duty Mass. cop suspended for threatening driver

A camera mounted on the driver’s dashboard captures the confrontation, which begins when a pickup truck pulls alongside the motorist and t...

Man Wanted For Molesting Child

Man Wanted For Molesting Child

Corpus Christi, TX - Corpus Christi Police Detectives have released camera surveillance images of a man they believe grabbed a 7 year old gi...

Man who opened fire on Ferguson cops in ‘critical, unstable’ condition

Man who opened fire on Ferguson cops in ‘critical, unstable’ condition

Bad time to own a CVS store in Missouri. Or anywhere. Be sure to scroll down this post and watch the video tribute to Wild Animals. ======...

Trio Work Together To Steal Bikes

Trio Work Together To Steal Bikes

Los Angeles, CA - On Tuesday June 23, 2015, around 5:15 a.m., three suspects entered the parking structure of the Wilshire La Brea Apartmen...