Clinton takes on Sanders in Vegas

Clinton takes on Sanders in Vegas

Hillary Clinton, working to hold on to her frontrunner status, came out swinging against Senator Bernie Sanders in the first debate of the p...

Death toll rises in Oklahoma parade crash

Death toll rises in Oklahoma parade crash

A 2-year-old is the latest casualty after a suspected drunk driver ploughed into a homecoming parade in Oklahoma. Julie Noce reports.  

Alligator snatches toddler at Disney resort

Alligator snatches toddler at Disney resort

Police say an alligator dragged a 2-year-old boy into a lagoon at Walt Disney World near Orlando, Florida, defeating his father's effor...

'Voices under the rubble' as Italy quake death toll rises

'Voices under the rubble' as Italy quake death toll rises

Survivors of the 6.2 magnitude quake in central Italy that's claimed at least 70 lives recount stories of trapped residents crying for ...

New oil low despite Libya's troubles

New oil low despite Libya's troubles

Brent crude oil has fallen to a 5-1/2-year low below $57 a barrel as a global supply glut outweighed concerns of lost supply from Libya wher...