29 Pitfalls Of Working With White People - Tax Dollars Spent To Produce Pamphlet

29 Pitfalls Of Working With White People - Tax Dollars Spent To Produce Pamphlet

An organization that published a list of 29 "Pitfalls of Working With White People" that was circulated at a diversity conference earlier th...

USA: 85-year-old masturbation teacher Betty Dodson talks orgasms

USA: 85-year-old masturbation teacher Betty Dodson talks orgasms

Video ID 20140524-005 C/U Betty Dodson drawing of woman masturbating C/U Dildos SOT: Betty Dodson, masturbation teacher (in English): "I ha...

Gypsy/Roma Footballers and History

Gypsy/Roma Footballers and History

History of the Gypsy/Roma people (Video has Turkish music.) Some positive things about the discriminated Roma people in Europe . Gypsy mea...

A-10 Close Air Support Fort Drum Range 48

A-10 Close Air Support Fort Drum Range 48

Video by Master Sgt. Eric Miller 174th Attack Wing 13 members of the 274th Air Support Operation Squadron (ASOS) along with 13 members of...

Ukrainian government is a proxy of the US

Ukrainian government is a proxy of the US

An American political analyst says the Ukrainian government is “a proxy of the United States” and Washington is using Ukraine as a “mi...

Ferguson curfew extended to second night as tensions mount over killing of unarmed teenager

Ferguson curfew extended to second night as tensions mount over killing of unarmed teenager

Another day of tense demonstrations led to a second night of curfew in Ferguson, Missouri on Sunday. Leading up to the midnight deadline, ...

USA: Ferguson protesters defiant as tear gas, rubber bullets fired

USA: Ferguson protesters defiant as tear gas, rubber bullets fired

Video ID: 20140818-012 M/S Tear gas being fired W/S People running from tear gas M/S Tear gas W/S Man amid tear gas W/S People running from...

USA: Tear gas fired in latest Ferguson clashes

USA: Tear gas fired in latest Ferguson clashes

Video ID: 20140818-011 W/S Tear gas being deployed against protesters and protesters running W/S Tear gas being deployed against protesters...

USA: Fierce clashes rage in Ferguson on night #2 of curfew

USA: Fierce clashes rage in Ferguson on night #2 of curfew

Video ID: 20140818-013 W/S Protesters, police, and tear gas M/S Police vehicles W/S Protesters, police, and tear gas W/S Tear gas near mot...

Obama sends top lawman to Ferguson, Missouri

Obama sends top lawman to Ferguson, Missouri

Ferguson, Missouri continues to grip America’s attention after another night of violence in the streets. With the National Guard now deplo...

More tension on the streets in Missouri as a second black man is shot dead by police

More tension on the streets in Missouri as a second black man is shot dead by police

Residents of the Missouri town of Ferguson ignored calls by the authorities to stay at home and took to the streets for a tenth night after ...

Calm returns to Ferguson in US after shooting of black teenager

Calm returns to Ferguson in US after shooting of black teenager

Peaceful protests were held on the streets of Ferguson in Missouri in the United States on Thursday evening. Just a handful of arrests hav...

Footage released of 9-year-old on firing range moments before she accidently kills instructor

Footage released of 9-year-old on firing range moments before she accidently kills instructor

Footage has been released showing a nine-year-old US girl, moments before she accidently killed her shooting instructor. Filmed by her pa...

“Bucket Bear” Rescued By Group In Clarion County

“Bucket Bear” Rescued By Group In Clarion County

The bear nicknamed “The Bucket Bear” has been rescued in Clarion County. The bear has been roaming around the Perry Township area for s...

BP fined billions more for Deep Water Horizon role

BP fined billions more for Deep Water Horizon role

BP is facing additional fines of $18 billion relating to the 2010 Deep Water Horizon oil spill. Describing the oil giant’s role in the d...

Honda unveils self-driving car in Detroit

Honda unveils self-driving car in Detroit

Honda is the latest company to show of its self-driving car. The car maker is working on technology that allows vehicles to drive themselves...

USA: Ever seen a FISH CANNON in action?

USA: Ever seen a FISH CANNON in action?

Video ID: 20140924-003 M/S State Wildlife employees loading fish into cannon C/U State Wildlife employees loading fish into cannon M/S Stat...

US patient had contact with Ebola victim in Liberia before flying to Texas

US patient had contact with Ebola victim in Liberia before flying to Texas

A Liberian man who is the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in the US, reportedly helped carry a woman with Ebola to hospital days bef...

US cameraman diagnosed with Ebola in Liberia

US cameraman diagnosed with Ebola in Liberia

An American TV cameraman has tested positive for the Ebola virus in Liberia. The 33-year-old freelancer working for NBC News is being flown ...

US Ebola patient condition critical

US Ebola patient condition critical

Doctors treating the first US Ebola patient at a hospital in Dallas have announced that his condition has deteriorated from serious to criti...