Obama consigns ‘wet foot, dry foot’ law to history

Obama consigns ‘wet foot, dry foot’ law to history

US President Barack Obama has ended the immigration policy that allowed any Cuban who reached US soil to remain and be granted residency. ...

Hundreds die as parts of India and Pakistan are hit by floods.

Hundreds die as parts of India and Pakistan are hit by floods.

Hundreds of people have died and thousands more left homeless in severe flooding after monsoon rains in India and Pakistan. Large areas Sr...

Pacific storm reaches southern California after leaving a trail of death and destruction through three states

Pacific storm reaches southern California after leaving a trail of death and destruction through three states

Devastating weather along America’s Pacific coast got worse when a mini-tornado added its destructive power to the mix, and previously una...

Captain of migrant boat arrested on suspicion of people smuggling

Captain of migrant boat arrested on suspicion of people smuggling

Italian authorities say the captain of a migrant boat and his deputy have been arrested on suspicion of people smuggling. As many as 800 ...

Dozens of suspected migrant graves found near Malaysia-Thailand border, police reveal

Dozens of suspected migrant graves found near Malaysia-Thailand border, police reveal

Malaysian police have revealed that 140 graves, believed to contain the remains of migrants, have been found near the country’s border wit...

Attempted Bridge Crossing FAIL .... Karma Served !

Attempted Bridge Crossing FAIL .... Karma Served !

A Dutch man was unharmed after a failed bid to launch his car across a retractable bridge. CCTV footage recorded on Wednesday in Holland sho...

Crew member missing after ferry fire off Japanese coast

Crew member missing after ferry fire off Japanese coast

One crew member is missing after a passenger ferry caught fire off the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido. Everyone else onboard was res...

More migrants die at sea trying to reach Europe

More migrants die at sea trying to reach Europe

Turkish coastguards have recovered the bodies of 12 refugees in their coastal waters after the group took to a wooden boat to try and make i...

Patricia downgraded to tropical storm but flooding extends north to Texas

Patricia downgraded to tropical storm but flooding extends north to Texas

Now just a tropical storm, Patricia has nonetheless caused chaos in Mexico following its landfall. Although it was feared it would be the st...

Just another reason to stay out of the Ocean

Just another reason to stay out of the Ocean

Don't know about you or the Navy, but I'll stick with being on dry land.  

Idiot On Jet Ski Smashes Into Land

Idiot On Jet Ski Smashes Into Land

I don't think he discovered new land.  

Russian Landing Craft Zubr Makes an Amphibious Assault on a Beach in Kaliningrad

Russian Landing Craft Zubr Makes an Amphibious Assault on a Beach in Kaliningrad

Russian Landing Craft Zubr Makes an Amphibious Assault on a Beach in Kaliningrad  

Raw Footage of the Polish 767 Passenger Plane Landing With No Gear

Raw Footage of the Polish 767 Passenger Plane Landing With No Gear

Some good raw footage of this plane skiing across the runway with no landing gear. If you can stand new broadcasts and want to know more wa...

Light plane landing crash, cockpit POV

Light plane landing crash, cockpit POV

Really shitty landing attempt.  

China have landed on the moon.

China have landed on the moon.

China is set to land a robotic rover on the surface of the Moon, a major step in the country's ambitious programme of space exploration. On...

Video Of China's First Moon Landing

Video Of China's First Moon Landing

Video of China's lunar lander Chang’e 3 landing on the Moon. The landing site is Sinus Iridum (Bay of Rainbows), an ancient lava plane in...

Land for Peace will End in War

Land for Peace will End in War

Comparing historical land grabs by aggressive nations to last week's events in Crimea.  

Wingsuit Jumper Lands Without Parachute

Wingsuit Jumper Lands Without Parachute

Raphael Dumont, at Lake Garda in Italy attempted and succeeded to become the first person to land on water without a parachute. I added slow...

Plane Deploys Parachute During Midair Emergency - Lands Safely

Plane Deploys Parachute During Midair Emergency - Lands Safely

Talk about having your camera ready at the right time. Videographer Doug Turner happened to capture footage of a light plane descending to ...

Cell phone exploded while drying

Cell phone exploded while drying

Staff phone repair dry cell concentration iPhone 5S crashed into the water or moisture, phone suddenly exploded. The cause of the iPhone 5S ...

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