Late Saudi King Abdullah receives simple, traditional burial

Late Saudi King Abdullah receives simple, traditional burial

The body of Saudi Arabia’s late King Abdullah, one of the richest men in the history of the world, was carried to his funeral in a simple ...

Activists pile pressure on Saudi Arabia’s new king to clean-up human rights record

Activists pile pressure on Saudi Arabia’s new king to clean-up human rights record

Activists say they fear Saudi Arabia’s new king will not do enough to clean up the kingdom’s human rights record. As King Salman took ...

World leaders arrive in Riyadh for King Abdullah tributes

World leaders arrive in Riyadh for King Abdullah tributes

Despite troubled relations, Iran’s foreign minister was among the first to arrive in Saudi Arabia on Saturday to pay respects to the late ...

Promise of revenge as Jordanian king visits family of murdered pilot

Promise of revenge as Jordanian king visits family of murdered pilot

There have been emotional scenes in Jordan as King Abdullah II comforts the family of the captured pilot murdered by ISIL militants. But t...

King Of The Hammers 2015 - Chocolate Thunder

King Of The Hammers 2015 - Chocolate Thunder

Guy tries the hardline, but gets stuck due to engine trouble (you can hear it bog down as he starts the accent), gets passed by a driver wit...

60yo Man knocked unconscious in unprovoked attack in Gloucester Kings Walk

60yo Man knocked unconscious in unprovoked attack in Gloucester Kings Walk

Gloucestershire Constabulary are appealing for information following this serious assault on Saturday 10th January 2015. In the early hours ...

King Felipe VI of Spain receives box set of ‘Game of Thrones’ on a visit to Brussels

King Felipe VI of Spain receives box set of ‘Game of Thrones’ on a visit to Brussels

King Felipe VI has visited European Institutions in Brussels. He was greeted by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in what wa...

South Africa’s Zulu king calls for end to anti-immigrant attacks

South Africa’s Zulu king calls for end to anti-immigrant attacks

The Zulu king whose comments are thought to have sparked a wave of anti-immigrant attacks in South Africa has called for peace and an end to...

Tributes paid to ‘Stand By Me’ singer Ben E. King

Tributes paid to ‘Stand By Me’ singer Ben E. King

(Reuters) Soul and R&B singer Ben E. King, famous for his deep, velvety baritone voice and the classic hit song “Stand by Me,” died of n...

‘King of the Blues’ BB King dies, aged 89

‘King of the Blues’ BB King dies, aged 89

Blues legend BB King has died, aged 89. The guitarist is credited with opening up the Blues to a mainstream audience. His deep singing v...

Final farewell to B.B. King – with Lucille in attendance

Final farewell to B.B. King – with Lucille in attendance

The funeral of B.B. King has taken place in his hometown of Indianola, Mississippi, and not surprisingly the blues man was joined for his f...

‘France integral to Europe,’ Spain’s King Felipe declares

‘France integral to Europe,’ Spain’s King Felipe declares

King Felipe of Spain has called for “more of France” in the European Union and the world over. ‘No France, no Europe’ “Withou...

Saudi King flies into Cote d’Azur amid row over beach closure

Saudi King flies into Cote d’Azur amid row over beach closure

There is a right royal row on the Cote d’Azur. The King of Saudi Arabia has arrived for a three-week visit to his villa in Vallauris, an...



---it's been fun, danny, cya!---  

France: journalists arrested for allegedly blackmailing the King of Morocco

France: journalists arrested for allegedly blackmailing the King of Morocco

Two French journalists have been arrested in Paris for allegedly trying to blackmail King Mohammed the 6th of Morocco. It is claimed they ...

Iran and Yemen top agenda as Saudi king meets Obama

Iran and Yemen top agenda as Saudi king meets Obama

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman has been meeting US President Barack Obama in Washington, with Iran and Yemen topping the agenda. It is the k...

Saudi Arabia reassured over Iran after Obama meets King Salman

Saudi Arabia reassured over Iran after Obama meets King Salman

Saudi Arabia says it is satisfied with assurances from Washington over the Iran nuclear deal following President Obama’s meeting with King...

Pablo Iglesias, joker with the king, serious with Spanish Podemos voters

Pablo Iglesias, joker with the king, serious with Spanish Podemos voters

Pablo Iglesias grew in stature as he campaigned. After a slump in voter opinion, his star rose steadily. With his pony tail and beard and su...

Thanks to Stan the King County Metro Mechanic and MERRY

Thanks to Stan the King County Metro Mechanic and MERRY

So true, the man named Stan at the King County Metro Atlantic Base was a great help today to two veterans that needed to take a bolt out tha...

Spain’s king calls for unity after inconclusive elections

Spain’s king calls for unity after inconclusive elections

Spain’s King Felipe has used his traditional Christmas message to call for unity after the country’s inconclusive election last Sunday. ...