Right wing wages a war on food stamps

Right wing wages a war on food stamps

Aug. 15: Chris Hayes talks about Republican attacks on food stamps with MSNBC Contributor Goldie Taylor.  

GOP votes to kick 4M people off food stamps

GOP votes to kick 4M people off food stamps

Sept. 19: Thurday's vote in the House of Representatives cuts $40 billion from the federal food stamps program over the next ten years...

Food stamps: Not just for surfer dudes

Food stamps: Not just for surfer dudes

Sept. 25: After Fox News' attempts to cast food stamp recipients as lazy, "genius" Kyle Abraham helps show the reality.  

Bracing for food stamp cuts

Bracing for food stamp cuts

Jan. 30: The new farm bill passed by the House yesterday and expected to sail through the senate, includes $8B in cuts to t...

House Republicans heartless food stamp cuts

House Republicans heartless food stamp cuts

Sept. 19: Republicans fight for cuts to food stamps, striping meals from over 4 million children, veterans and families.  Ed Schultz ...

Food stamps: Rhetoric vs. reality

Food stamps: Rhetoric vs. reality

Sept. 20: Conservatives have tried to paint food stamp recipients as entitled, fraudulent moochers, but the facts tell a different sto...

Corporate cash sways voters on GMO foods

Corporate cash sways voters on GMO foods

Nov. 6: Rachel Maddow shows how the power of corporate opponents of GMO food labeling can cause a popular initiative to los...

GOP food stamp cuts leave the poor hungry

GOP food stamp cuts leave the poor hungry

Dec. 16: In Ask Ed Live, Ed Schultz explains the importance of the next election for Democrats to gain back the House. Plus...

How to tell if your food has GMOs

How to tell if your food has GMOs

Jan. 14: Although the FDA says that genetically modified ingredients in food are safe, some still believe they may be harmf...

LA’s Johnny Appleseed: Growing your food is ‘gangster’

LA’s Johnny Appleseed: Growing your food is ‘gangster’

June 24: In the latest installment of TODAY’s “Shine a Light” series, Carson Daly sits down with Ron Finley, a Los Angeles resid...

GOP wants children to work for their food

GOP wants children to work for their food

Dec. 19: Republicans believe young, low-income children should have to work for their school provided lunches. Ed Schultz a...

Detroit eatery pays workers a minimum of $12 per hour

Detroit eatery pays workers a minimum of $12 per hour

Aug. 6: For months, fast food workers in major cities across the country have been walking off the job, demanding better pa...

Super-sized strikers want more pay

Super-sized strikers want more pay

Aug. 29: Workers of fast food restaurants are striking for an increase in wages, reports CNBC's Jackie DeAngelis. In New Yo...

Cuccinelli rejects making amends in gift scandal

Cuccinelli rejects making amends in gift scandal

Aug. 9: Rachel Maddow reports the latest developments in the gift-accepting scandal surrounding Virginia governor Bob McDon...

A dramatic display of labor’s power

A dramatic display of labor’s power

Aug. 31: Thousands of workers walked out of hundreds of fast food restaurants in nearly 60 cities throughout the U.S., dema...

The 99%, two years after Occupy Wall Street

The 99%, two years after Occupy Wall Street

Sept. 17: The 99% slogan born at New York's Occupy Wall Street protest now transcends big banks.  From Fast Food strikes to Pro-Obama...

The 99%, two years after Occupy Wall Street

The 99%, two years after Occupy Wall Street

Sept. 17: The 99% slogan born at New York's Occupy Wall Street protest now transcends big banks.  From Fast Food strikes to Pro-Obama...

Husband, wife lose more than 500 pounds

Husband, wife lose more than 500 pounds

Sept. 16: TODAY nutritionist Joy Bauer welcomes husband and wife Justin and Lauren Shelton into the Joy Fit Club, after they lost a co...

Deficit nosediving but GOP still screaming

Deficit nosediving but GOP still screaming

Sept. 18: Douglas Holtz-Eakin, President of the American Action Forum, joins Chris Hayes to talk about why Republicans are cutting foo...

Republicans strip bills to feed the hungry

Republicans strip bills to feed the hungry

Sept. 18: SNAP and Nutritional Programs are under attack by Republicans in Congress who are trying to slash these crucial programs. At...

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