Syria UN Rep: Saudi Arabia Gets Rid of its Imprisoned Terrorists by Sending them to Kill Syrians

Syria UN Rep: Saudi Arabia Gets Rid of its Imprisoned Terrorists by Sending them to Kill Syrians

Syria's UN representative, Bashar al-Jaafari, has stated in a press conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York that all Saudi...

Glorious Syrian Army Retake Nabek, Battle of Qalamoon Almost Over

Glorious Syrian Army Retake Nabek, Battle of Qalamoon Almost Over

There still Yabrood were the terrorists have the nuns and orpahns hostages as human sheilds. Syrian regime forces made gains Sunday in the ...

شاهد كيف يعين الله الثوار على الصمود ( يرجى التكبير والمشاهدة للاخير )

شاهد كيف يعين الله الثوار على الصمود ( يرجى التكبير والمشاهدة للاخير )

اتحاد القنوات الوطنية ( السوريون على اليوتيوب )nشبكة أخبار طرطوس , شبكة أخبار ...

December 8 2013 Breaking News Saudi Arabia USA Syria Iran policy straining decades alliance

December 8 2013 Breaking News Saudi Arabia USA Syria Iran policy straining decades alliance

December 7 2013 Breaking News Saudi Arabia warns of rift with USA over Iran, Syria - Last days final hour news prophecy updatennDecember 201...

RARE: Execution of 4 Kurdish Boys ***DISTURBING***

RARE: Execution of 4 Kurdish Boys ***DISTURBING***

The Execution of 4 Young Kurds Four Kurdish boys under the age of 18 were executed by the hands of the Iraqi Arab Ba'ath regime in 1986. Th...

US Mainstream Media silences dissent on Syria WMD claims

US Mainstream Media silences dissent on Syria WMD claims

This week Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh challenged the Obama administration's official narrative on the Sept...

How Olmert And Assad Dodged An Unwanted Paris Handshake.

How Olmert And Assad Dodged An Unwanted Paris Handshake.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Syrian President Bashar Assad came within a hand's span of touching on Monday, despite the latter's declarati...

Obama want to arm Islamists in Syria again

Obama want to arm Islamists in Syria again

U.S. may be open to Islamists joining Syrian rebel coalitionDecember 13The Obama administration is willing to consider supporting an expande...

Number of Foreign Mercenaries in Syria Much Higher than Estimates

Number of Foreign Mercenaries in Syria Much Higher than Estimates

Press TV talks with Michel Chossudovsky, from the Center for Research on Globalization from Montreal, regarding the figures released by Fore...

Kerry: Obama's priority is diplomacy

Kerry: Obama's priority is diplomacy

Secretary of State John Kerry says Syria's Bashar al-Assad must cooperate for a political solution to be a viable option.  

Syrian Activists Claim Chemical Weapons Have Killed Hundreds (Graphic)

Syrian Activists Claim Chemical Weapons Have Killed Hundreds (Graphic)

The Syrian army is denying the attack but activists opposed to Bashar Al-Assad's regime claim he used toxic agents in this morning's rocket ...

Outcome of UN meeting on alleged chemical attack in Syria

Outcome of UN meeting on alleged chemical attack in Syria

An emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council has called for a prompt investigation into an alleged chemical weapons attack ou...

Siria: ancora bombe sui sobborghi di Damasco. L'Onu...

Siria: ancora bombe sui sobborghi di Damasco. L'Onu...

Ancora bombe, ancora sangue in Siria. Le Forze Armate del presidente Bashar al-Assad hanno bombardato stamattina i dintorni di Damasco. Solt...

Libano, due autobombe a Tripoli uccidono 19 persone. Un attacco in centro, l'altro nella zona del porto

Libano, due autobombe a Tripoli uccidono 19 persone. Un attacco in centro, l'altro nella zona del porto

Tripoli (TMNews) - Due autobombe esplose a distanza di pochi minuti hanno colpito la città di Tripoli, in Libano, uccidendo 19 persone e fe...

Siria: il regime accusa l'opposizione dell'uso di armi...

Siria: il regime accusa l'opposizione dell'uso di armi...

Il regime siriano passa al contrattacco e accusa a sua volta i ribelli di compiere attacchi con armi chimiche. L'ultimo oggi, sostengono le ...

US repositions guided missile destroyer, ponders course of action for Syria

US repositions guided missile destroyer, ponders course of action for Syria

President Barack Obama meets with his national security team - to discuss options on Syria. The meeting comes days after reports that the Sy...

Possible U.S involvement in Syria

Possible U.S involvement in Syria

US President Barack Obama has met national security advisers to discuss the response to the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria A White...

Senior U.N. official arrives in Syria seeking access for chemical inspectors

Senior U.N. official arrives in Syria seeking access for chemical inspectors

The United Nations High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Angela Kane arrived in Syria on Saturday to push for access to a suspected c...

Syria releases video of chemical agents as Obama meets with security team

Syria releases video of chemical agents as Obama meets with security team

***CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES*** The timing was curious. As President Barrack Obama huddled with his national security team at the White House ...

Best Dog Breeding Facility - Muscletone Bullys

Best Dog Breeding Facility - Muscletone Bullys

Big shout out to Bashar over at Muscletone Bullys, home of BBATV mascot Magoo, in this video he takes you on a tour of his facility. I must ...