Greek parliament approves new austerity measures

Greek parliament approves new austerity measures

Greece's parliament passes a controversial reform bill a few hours ahead of German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble's visit to Athens. Du...

Portugal protests against government austerity

Portugal protests against government austerity

Workers at the Lisbon metro went on strike Thursday and businesses came to a standstill across Portugal to protest government austerity meas...

Obama praises Greek austerity but urges growth

Obama praises Greek austerity but urges growth

US President Obama has praised the Greek government's strict austerity measures and structural reforms and said the country must now start c...

Will PMLN Apply Austerity Measures?!! ?

Will PMLN Apply Austerity Measures?!! ?

Front Page with Amjad Warraich (May30-2013)  

Portugal hit by general strike against austerity cuts

Portugal hit by general strike against austerity cuts

Public transport crawled to a standstill and flights were grounded in Portugal Thursday as workers staged their fourth general strike in two...

Spain: Journalism without identity

Spain: Journalism without identity

Spain’s eastern community of Valencia has been forced to shut down its public television and radio service due to austerity measures impos...

New anti-protest law in Spain

New anti-protest law in Spain

Tens of thousands of Spaniards have staged another demonstration in the capital, Madrid, to voice their outrage at the government’s auster...

Police face off in Portuguese austerity protest

Police face off in Portuguese austerity protest

It was a tense two hour standoff in the Portuguese capital. Uniformed police formed a barrier around the parliament building to keep out mor...

Greek workers use May Day to protest against reforms and austerity

Greek workers use May Day to protest against reforms and austerity

Thousands of Greeks marked May Day by demonstrating against government reforms which they say have hurt workers through layoffs and wage cut...

Impact of Greek protests on U.S. markets

Impact of Greek protests on U.S. markets

CBS MoneyWatch Editor-At-Large Jill Schlesinger speaks to Russ Mitchell about the continuing violence in Greece over austerity measures and ...

Protesters clash with police in Spain

Protesters clash with police in Spain

Clashes in central Madrid between police and protesters, who are denouncing a bill that will toughen penalties against demonstrations. Oppon...

Dozens hurt in Spain protest clashes

Dozens hurt in Spain protest clashes

What had been a largely peaceful protest by tens of thousands of Spaniards erupts into violence on the streets of Madrid. Police, also out i...

Sweeping changes in Greece

Sweeping changes in Greece

For more than a year, cleaning women in Greece have been the symbol of the injustices of austerity. They started to protest after they lost ...

Privatizing national lands in Spain

Privatizing national lands in Spain

As the economic situation is aggravating in Spain, the government is thinking of privatizing national lands, prairies and very fertile swath...

Top International Business Stories of 2013

Top International Business Stories of 2013

Greece to End Recession in 2014. Eurozone Inflation Hits 0.7%. E.U. and U.S. Back to Bargaining. Ukraine Saved from Bankruptcy. South Africa...

FEMEN Activist Jumps On Table During Draghi's ECB Presser

FEMEN Activist Jumps On Table During Draghi's ECB Presser

One FEMEN activist interrupted a press conference by Mario Draghi when she suddenly jumped on the table and dumped confetti and flyers on Dr...

Portugal: 5 million participated in general strike, say...

Portugal: 5 million participated in general strike, say...

Patience with the government's austerity plan is running thin in Portugal with banners reading 'Enough' and 'Government Out'.In their fourth...

"Resign", Portugal protesters make their voices heard in...

In Portugal around 50 people protested in the parliament's public gallery calling for the government to resign. The country has been plagued...

Greece hit with new general strike over reforms

Greece hit with new general strike over reforms

Greece on Tuesday braced for a fourth general strike of the year against fresh austerity measures the government is imposing in order to kee...

'Greek bailouts like giving alcoholic more vodka'

'Greek bailouts like giving alcoholic more vodka'

After having forced through further austerity measures Greece is set to receive its next bailout instalment. The bailout comes at the expens...

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