Need for healthcare hits close to home

Need for healthcare hits close to home

Nov. 14: Ed Schultz shares his wife's very personal experience with ovarian cancer & the need for all Americans to have hig...

Bill Maher on the GOP civil war

Bill Maher on the GOP civil war

Nov. 19: Rob Ford, Chris Christie, and Sarah Palin. All of this and more when Lawrence O'Donnell talks with HBO's Real Time...

The history of black presidents in the movies

The history of black presidents in the movies

Nov. 24: Jamie Kilstein and Elon James White join the MHP panel to discuss if real life has mirrored fiction when it comes ...

Health care more important than ratings

Health care more important than ratings

Nov. 25: In "Ask Ed Live," Ed Schultz shares how Obama cares more about all Americans getting healthcare then approval rati...

Rand Paul goes to Detroit

Rand Paul goes to Detroit

Dec. 9: Chris Hayes talks to MSNBC contributor James Peterson about Rand Paul's outreach efforts in Detroit.  

Mariah Carey brings TODAY home for the holidays

Mariah Carey brings TODAY home for the holidays

Dec. 11: The singing superstar opens her home to TODAY’s Tamron Hall and talks about how she spent the holidays growing u...

Fighting TPP to protect workers' rights

Fighting TPP to protect workers' rights

Dec. 11: Members of Congress continue to quietly share their optimism over the passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Ed...

Endless excuses to stop paying the unemployed

Endless excuses to stop paying the unemployed

Dec. 13: Republicans praise their bi-partisan budget bill, forgetting about all of the Americans losing their unemployment ...

Obama: 'Freedom isn't given, it must be won'

Obama: 'Freedom isn't given, it must be won'

Aug. 28, 2013: Tying social, economic and political issues with civil rights, President Obama delivers an impassi...

John Lewis: Scars of racism still in society

John Lewis: Scars of racism still in society

Aug. 28, 2013: Rep. John Lewis returns to the steps where he spoke 50 years ago, during the original March on Was...

Morial: ‘It is time to wake up’

Morial: ‘It is time to wake up’

Aug. 28, 2013: Marc Morial, president of the National Urban League talks about the new civil rights movement for ...

Still the biggest story no one else talks about

Still the biggest story no one else talks about

Jan. 2: 2013 marked economic improvement and the lowest unemployment rate in years, but all of this is at risk with the pas...

NY Times blows Benghazi lies out of water

NY Times blows Benghazi lies out of water

Jan. 2: Chris Hayes explains how the latest on Benghazi should silence conspiracy theorists once and for all - but will it?  

Crack smoking mayor wants four more years

Crack smoking mayor wants four more years

Jan. 3: Earning the title of Ed Schultz's Pretender tonight, shamed Toronto Mayor Rob Ford files for re-election, forgettin...

Gun ownership on the rise among women

Gun ownership on the rise among women

Feb. 16, 2013: A Gallup poll reported that in 2005, 13 percent of all women owned a gun. That number jumped to 23...

‘They got NAFTA, workers got the SHAFTA’

‘They got NAFTA, workers got the SHAFTA’

Jan. 7: Fast-tracking the TPP trade agreement, described as NAFTA on steroids, could ruin middle class jobs in America. Ed ...

John Rizzo reflects on legacy as CIA ‘Company Man’

John Rizzo reflects on legacy as CIA ‘Company Man’

Jan. 10: Veteran CIA Lawyer John Rizzo talks with NBC’s Andrea Mitchell about all of the scandals and tough decisions he ...

A big moment in the fight against poverty

A big moment in the fight against poverty

Jan. 13: Politicians and the media are taking about the plight of the poor, and Americans support initiatives to help them....

GOP base not with Fox elite on Christie

GOP base not with Fox elite on Christie

Jan. 14: Frank Rich, writer-at-large for New York Magazine, talks with Rachel Maddow about how the NJ bridge scandal is not...

The latest Conservative Obamacare scare

The latest Conservative Obamacare scare

Jan. 14: Bears, sweet dance moves and a new conservative "numbers game" on healthcare enrollment are all featured in today'...

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