Bible Quote of the Day #1

Bible Quote of the Day #1

Deuteronomy 22:28-29 #financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; width:300px; height:180px; margin...

Rebel Lee - Quoting Kanye West

Rebel Lee - Quoting Kanye West

Famous quotes from famous people  

Jeff Goldblum Quotes Jurassic Park For Me

Jeff Goldblum Quotes Jurassic Park For Me

Jeff Goldblum is a solid dude. Always happy to fulfill silly requests every time I see him. For instance, quoting famous movie lines. Enjoy...

Muslim Students - Portland Uni - Quote: ALL I DO IS REMOVE WHITE PRIVILEGE - Now Get The Fuck Out

Muslim Students - Portland Uni - Quote: ALL I DO IS REMOVE WHITE PRIVILEGE - Now Get The Fuck Out

#financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; width:300px; height:180px; margin-left: -150px; margin-top: -70p...

Monica Crowley Lays Out Argument Against Judge Curiel In Two Minutes… ( Trump U. Judge )

Monica Crowley Lays Out Argument Against Judge Curiel In Two Minutes… ( Trump U. Judge )

Facts about the judge presiding over the Trump University case.  

Famous Melania Trump Quotes.

Famous Melania Trump Quotes.

So Original!!😂 #financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; width:300px; height:180px; margin-lef...

UK paper:Japan, China keep status quo on Senkakus

UK paper:Japan, China keep status quo on Senkakus

UK paper:Japan, China keep status quo on Senkakus A declassified British document quotes a former Japanese prime minister as saying Japan a...

Kamov Ka-52

Kamov Ka-52 "Alligator" NATO name: Hokum B Russian Attack Helicopter

Kamov Ka-52 "Alligator" Аллигатор NATO name: Hokum B Russian Attack Helicopter ATACKA  

"Move over fukers, I HAVE ARRIVED!"

#financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; width:300px; height:140px; margin-left: -150px; margin-top: -70p...

"Chi-Raq" Mini documentary about Chicago

Couldn't imagine growing up in theis city.  

super enTertaining video 2

super enTertaining video 2

hey livelEak here is this weeks website writeup "sUPEREDS 346 weekly internet video" for oct 12 2013 titled "super enTertaining video 2" ...

sunshine threw our windows week 297 (287 skiRts in 54 seconds)

sunshine threw our windows week 297 (287 skiRts in 54 seconds)

in this video you will see sUPERED the internet video artist unmasked ... sUPERED will talk about how this weeks "sUPEREDS 347 weekly inter...

"Freedom Fighter" Takes a Break on a Deckchair With Bullet in The Head In Latakia + Seized Ammo

Khirbetal-Baz, Latakia #financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; width:300px; height:140px; mar...

"Syrian Sunni Arab citizen soldiers" Lying deads with their Weapons-Kesweh city

New weapons for National Defense Force. Kesweh. #financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; width:3...

sunshine threw our windOws week 302 (sUPERED giVes thanks 2013)

sunshine threw our windOws week 302 (sUPERED giVes thanks 2013)

in this video you will see sUPERED the internet video artist unmasked ... sUPERED will talk about how this weeks "sUPEREDS 352 weekly inte...

Who blew this poor mans brains out.

Who blew this poor mans brains out.

#financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; width:300px; height:140px; margin-left: -150px; margin-top: -70p...

The babysitter from hell.

The babysitter from hell.

The babysitter from hell. #financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; width:300px; height:140px; ma...

YOURSAY - NORAD ALERT... Mr Pink prepares for Christmas Deliverys

YOURSAY - NORAD ALERT... Mr Pink prepares for Christmas Deliverys

Norad Alert - Mr. Pink has contracted out his preparations for delivery of Christmas surprises for all his LiveLeak friends... Release an...

Grannys visitors.

Grannys visitors.

Kay, granny and i had a fight, cause she tried to order me around, insteada just saying please, so i hit her with "FOS ROH DAH" and, well, ...

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