Elle Henderson - Believe [CherCover]

Elle Henderson - Believe [CherCover]

Elle Henderson Performing Believe (Beautiful song from Cher)  

Aircraft debris found on Réunion confirmed from flight MH370

Aircraft debris found on Réunion confirmed from flight MH370

The first piece of wreckage from the first-ever lost Boeing 777, which vanished back in early March along with the 239 people on board, has ...

Piton De La Fournaise Sends Lava Streams Flowing Across Réunion Island

Piton De La Fournaise Sends Lava Streams Flowing Across Réunion Island

The Piton de la Fournaise volcano, located on France’s La Réunion island, erupted for the second time in 2016 on September 11. This foo...

High-speed chase in Sao Paulo ...2 bandits arrested.

High-speed chase in Sao Paulo ...2 bandits arrested.

Perseguição em alta velocidade na cidade de São Paulo... 2 bandidos presos. Policia Rápida e Agil. -------------------------------------...

Les drames derrière l'alcool au volant = Dramas behind drunk driving

Les drames derrière l'alcool au volant = Dramas behind drunk driving

Vidéo de plusieurs événements causés par l'alcool au volant dans la grande région de Québec. Ce sont toutes des images capté au fil ...

Gypsy/Roma Footballers and History

Gypsy/Roma Footballers and History

History of the Gypsy/Roma people (Video has Turkish music.) Some positive things about the discriminated Roma people in Europe . Gypsy mea...

Free-Hanging at 5000 Ft in the Air

Free-Hanging at 5000 Ft in the Air

Vesa Rönty has always dreamed of swinging thousands of feet in the air. In July of this year his dream came true when he and a group of his...

Soldiers Past and Present  --- 1914 - 2014

Soldiers Past and Present --- 1914 - 2014

Soldats d’hier et d’aujourd’hui Samedi 6 septembre 2014, une centaine de cérémonie se tiendront simultanément sur l’ensemble du...

Army backs Isaac Zida as new Burkina Faso leader

Army backs Isaac Zida as new Burkina Faso leader

Burkina Faso’s military has backed presidential guard officer Isaac Zida to head a transitional government after the country’s long-term...

Protests continue in France over death of Remi Fraisse

Protests continue in France over death of Remi Fraisse

Protesters in France gathered in memory of an eco-activist who died last weekend during a demonstration against a dam project. Twenty-one...

Swedish city’s outpouring of love for Muslims after mosque attacks

Swedish city’s outpouring of love for Muslims after mosque attacks

Residents of Uppsala, Sweden’s fourth-largest city, have gathered to show their support for the local Muslim community after a local mosqu...

Almost four million turn out for unity rallies across France

Almost four million turn out for unity rallies across France

Record crowds have turned out in Paris and in other cities across France for unity marches after three days of terror that shook the capital...

Denmark: Tackling homelessness the Odense way

Denmark: Tackling homelessness the Odense way

Denmark is battling homelessness. Between 2009 and 2013, the northern European country saw a 16 percent rise in the number of people lack...

Hungary ‘lost and found’ website helps mother find daughter

Hungary ‘lost and found’ website helps mother find daughter

People who have lost a pet, or had a car stolen – or even whose relative goes missing – may find the police unwilling or unable to help....

Ireland ‘says overwhelming yes’ to same-sex marriage in referendum

Ireland ‘says overwhelming yes’ to same-sex marriage in referendum

Ireland looks to have said an overwhelming “yes” to same-sex marriage in the country’s referendum – according to both supporters and...

Remain free hairy woman

Remain free hairy woman

music: France Gall - Ella, Elle L'a  

Fifagate: Further pressure on Blatter as allegations of 10m dollar bribe emerge

Fifagate: Further pressure on Blatter as allegations of 10m dollar bribe emerge

The UK Press Association (PA) says it has obtained evidence proving FIFA Secretary General Jérôme Valcke was aware of a 10-million-dollar ...

MH370: wreckage found on island ‘came from Boeing 777’

MH370: wreckage found on island ‘came from Boeing 777’

The fate of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is deemed one of the greatest mysteries in aviation history. But now experts from Malaysia say...

Boy trips, falls, and punches hole into 17th century painting

Boy trips, falls, and punches hole into 17th century painting

A 12-year-old boy got an unusually close look at a 17th century floral still-life when he stumbled and punched a hole into the painting, est...

French motorway remains closed after travellers end blockade

French motorway remains closed after travellers end blockade

A group of travellers who blocked one of Europe’s busiest motorways in northern France have ended their protest after the authorities gave...