Trump, Fed power Dow above 21,000 for first time

Trump, Fed power Dow above 21,000 for first time

Wall Street enjoyed its biggest rally of the year with all three major stock gauges hitting record highs as investors embraced President Tru...

Museum whale model gets a cleaning

Museum whale model gets a cleaning

Nemesis of New York museum's 21,000-pound blue whale: dust bunnies. Roselle Chen reports.">  

Obama signs order barring federal discrimination against LGBT community

Obama signs order barring federal discrimination against LGBT community

U.S. President Barack Obama signed an order on Monday (July 21) protecting federally contracted worked from discrimination on the basis of s...

Egypt vows response after IS beheading video

Egypt vows response after IS beheading video

Egyptian President warns of response after latest video purporting to show beheadings of 21 hostages. Julie Noce reports.">  

Egyptian military carry out air strikes on IS

Egyptian military carry out air strikes on IS

Video from the Egyptian army purports to show planes taking off to bomb Islamic State targets in Libya after the group released a video appe...

Egypt bombs IS targets after beheadings

Egypt bombs IS targets after beheadings

Egypt's air force bombed Islamic State targets inside Libya on Monday, a day after the group released a video showed the beheading of 21 Egy...