Reports: Syrian Cyber Army hacks Microsoft's Twitter account

Reports: Syrian Cyber Army hacks Microsoft's Twitter account

An online technology site has reported that a group known as the Syrian Electronic Army has hacked Microsoft’s twitter account. The attac...

Shake & Bake – Jesse Jackson Demands Twitter Release Diversity Data

Shake & Bake – Jesse Jackson Demands Twitter Release Diversity Data

It’s Shakedown Time— Jesse Jackson Jr. called on Twitter to release its diversity data to his Rainbow Push Coalition. PC World reported:...

Twitter sues US government over right to reveal surveillance requests

Twitter sues US government over right to reveal surveillance requests

The messaging service Twitter is suing the US government over America’s surveillance laws. It is part of the ongoing battle with federal...

‘Unhinged’: Clinton slams Trump over beauty queen Twitter tirade

‘Unhinged’: Clinton slams Trump over beauty queen Twitter tirade

She has denounced him as a bully, humiliating her for gaining weight. And, in a pre-dawn Twitter tirade on Friday, Republican Presidential...

#SaveArash: Hunger strike by Iran activist tops Twitter trending

#SaveArash: Hunger strike by Iran activist tops Twitter trending

A jailed Iranian activist on hunger strike in protest at the detention of his writer wife has taken social media by storm. The hashtag #...

Trump takes to Twitter to talk tough on North Korea

Trump takes to Twitter to talk tough on North Korea

“It won’t happen”, vows Trump, talking tough on North Korea and its repeated nuclear threats. The North Korean leader said on Sunday...

EU leaders agree on common position to offer Turkey migration deal, Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel said on Twitter

EU leaders agree on common position to offer Turkey migration deal, Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel said on Twitter

Our journalists are working on this story and will update it as soon as more information becomes available.  

Rare Photos Capture Moments in History

Rare Photos Capture Moments in History

Rare photos capture moments in history. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Peace. Thanks to my good friend Lori K for sharing these with...



please share this on twitter for me so that I can get picked for the show in june on WWE TOUGH ENOUGH with the hashtag #toughenough THANK Y...

Guy Ties Shoe With 1 Hand! Amazing!

Guy Ties Shoe With 1 Hand! Amazing!


FBI hunting Boston man running media wing of ISIL

FBI hunting Boston man running media wing of ISIL

A fugitive US citizen is believed to be behind ISIL's vast social media operation. 32-year-old Ahmad Abousamra is the son of a prominent sp...

MONOLITT - Oozing Paint Installation

MONOLITT - Oozing Paint Installation

This is Monolitt, a sculpture made by Syver Lauritzsen (me) and Eirik Haugen Murvold that oozes paint in tune with a city's mood. Inspired b...

Don't tweet and be a TW@.

Don't tweet and be a TW@.

Back in the 70's we had these string of adverts on our tv's called "Charlie say's". They were the in thing then as a public information ser...

Aussie Cops Bust Sudanese Refugee and Islander Immigrant Gang Members After Violent Brawl In Melbourne

Aussie Cops Bust Sudanese Refugee and Islander Immigrant Gang Members After Violent Brawl In Melbourne

#financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; width:300px; height:180px; margin-left: -150px; margin-top: -70p...

Oliver Stone’s Son Says 9/11 Was an ‘Inside Job’

Oliver Stone’s Son Says 9/11 Was an ‘Inside Job’

Sean Stone speaks out against NATO imperialism and says that the official government story about 9/11 is a lie Abby Martin Breaks the Set o...

Real knife fighting

Real knife fighting

Bloody knife fight  

NASA - DNA Building Blocks Can Be Made in Space

NASA - DNA Building Blocks Can Be Made in Space

NASA-funded researchers have evidence that some building blocks of DNA, the molecule that carries the genetic instructions for life, found i...

Dick van Dyke's Jaguar up in Flames on LA Freeway

Dick van Dyke's Jaguar up in Flames on LA Freeway

A passing motorist has captured footage of Dick van Dyke slumped over the wheel of his Jaguar, moments before he was pulled to safety by ot...

FSA Threats of Chemical Weapons in Syria الجيش الحر يقدمون تهديد باستخدام الأسلحة الكيماوية في سوري

FSA Threats of Chemical Weapons in Syria الجيش الحر يقدمون تهديد باستخدام الأسلحة الكيماوية في سوري

It is clear that the whole 'Assad used chemical weapons' story was to instigate intervention into Syria. It didn't work the first time, so t...