Test flight shows balloon space tourism no flight of fancy

Test flight shows balloon space tourism no flight of fancy

Arizona-based company World View Enterprises says it has taken a major step towards launching commercial balloon flights to the edge of spac...

400,000 in Ohio await water test results

400,000 in Ohio await water test results

Nearly half a million people in Toledo, Ohio await test results after high toxin levels were detected in the water supply making it unsafe t...

Iran's missile test may have violated U.N. resolution: White House

Iran's missile test may have violated U.N. resolution: White House

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest says an Iranian ballistic missile test over the weekend may have violated a U.N. Security Council r...

Stocks hit by China woes, nuclear test

Stocks hit by China woes, nuclear test

World stocks fall for the fifth straight day as China fuels fears about its economy by allowing the yuan to weaken further. As Grace Pascoe...

Sharapova: I failed a drug test at the Australian Open

Sharapova: I failed a drug test at the Australian Open

Pro-tennis player Maria Sharapova says she recently received a letter saying she had failed a drug test at the Australian Open, but says she...

Iran fires ballistic missiles, tests U.N. resolution

Iran fires ballistic missiles, tests U.N. resolution

Iran says it test-fired several ballistic missiles on Tuesday, challenging a United Nations resolution and raising the possibility of a dipl...

Trump denies sex allegations, challenges Clinton to drug test

Trump denies sex allegations, challenges Clinton to drug test

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump ridicules allegations that he made unwanted sexual advances and challenges rival Hillary Clinto...

Political risks: a big test for markets in 2017

Political risks: a big test for markets in 2017

The global economy has withstood several crises since 2008 but for financial markets the biggest tests may be to come. After several shocks...

Trump puts Iran on notice over ballistic missile test

Trump puts Iran on notice over ballistic missile test

President Donald Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, says the United States is officially putting Iran on notice over its...

China urges North Korea to stop missile tests

China urges North Korea to stop missile tests

China's foreign minister said on Sunday new U.N. Security Council sanctions on North Korea were the right response to a series of missi...

Nanotechnology keeps clothes dry and stain free

Nanotechnology keeps clothes dry and stain free

A Silicon Valley start up is combining nanotechnology and fashion to produce clothes that repel water and don't stain. The designers have de...

North Korea's nuclear test shocks the world

North Korea's nuclear test shocks the world

North Korea claims to have detonated a hydrogen bomb Wednesday morning, setting off condemnation around the globe. Reuters' James Pears...

Experts predict more North Korean nuclear tests

Experts predict more North Korean nuclear tests

Kim Jong Un claims North Korea's missiles can reach anywhere in the United States, but experts say the country still lacks lightweight ...

Down to the wire in Mississippi Senate primary

Down to the wire in Mississippi Senate primary

Strength of the Tea Party to be put to test as Sen. Thad Cochran faces runoff against Tea Party challenger Chris McDaniel in race too close ...

Organic farming culture brings burgeoning business for Fiji islanders

Organic farming culture brings burgeoning business for Fiji islanders

The remote Fijian island of Cicia has launched a novel business in organic produce that could prove to be a template for other developing co...

Robot caregiver offers company and security to 94-year-old grandmother

Robot caregiver offers company and security to 94-year-old grandmother

A robot that monitors the health of elderly people living alone and allows them to have face-to-face conversations with relatives or doctors...

Ohio water crisis enters third day

Ohio water crisis enters third day

A toxin discovery in Lake Erie has Toledo, Ohio residents scrambling for safe drinking water while officials await the latest water testing ...

Toledo mayor lifts ban on drinking tap water

Toledo mayor lifts ban on drinking tap water

Toledo Mayor Michael Collins announces the lifting of the ban on drinking tap water after tests show toxins are no longer at dangerous level...

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