NOTRE HISTOIRE - Peggy Bajal ( Album Zouk Ô Feminin ) (Music Video)

NOTRE HISTOIRE - Peggy Bajal ( Album Zouk Ô Feminin ) (Music Video)

LES FEMMES PRENNENT LA PAROLE SUR LE ZOUK Ô FEMININ (c) KARABIN' PRODUCTIONS 2003. Album disponible et en vente sur I-TUNES : https://itune...

FTN Page 2: August 4

FTN Page 2: August 4

Miss the second half of the show? Watch Peggy Noonan, Dan Balz, David Sanger, Barton Gellman and John Dickerson examine all the week's news ...

Great-grandmother Accuses Filner of Sexual Harassment

Great-grandmother Accuses Filner of Sexual Harassment

Peggy Shannon, a great grandmother and longtime employee with the San Diego city government, became the 16th woman to accuse San Diego Mayor...

Divisions Between Parties, Within GOP Slowing Down Legislation

Divisions Between Parties, Within GOP Slowing Down Legislation

Peggy Noonan, Dan Balz, David Sanger, Barton Gellman and John Dickerson discuss all the news in Washington and abroad.  

Great Grandma Accuses San Diego Mayor of Sexual Misconduct

Great Grandma Accuses San Diego Mayor of Sexual Misconduct

A 67-year-old woman, Peggy Shannon, said San Diego Mayor Bob Filner requested dates and made sexually suggestive comments. So far more than ...

FTN Page 2: September 15

FTN Page 2: September 15

Miss the second half of the show? CBS News senior correspondent John Miller previews his "60 Minutes" interview with recently retired CIA of...

Experts Unpack U.S.-Russia Deal on Syrian Chemical Weapons

Experts Unpack U.S.-Russia Deal on Syrian Chemical Weapons

Peggy Noonan, David Gergen, Michael Gerson and Susan Page discuss the ongoing civil war in Syria, and the recent tentative agreement between...