Terrorists crushed by wall - probably tank shell

Terrorists crushed by wall - probably tank shell

Terrorists crushed by wall - probably tank shell.  

Russia: S-400 surface-to-air missile system licenced for international sale

Russia: S-400 surface-to-air missile system licenced for international sale

Video ID: 20140815-029 W/S S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft system for sale M/S S-400 Triumf anti-aircraft system M/S Two Russian soldiers standi...

Ukraine starts building wall on border with Russia

Ukraine starts building wall on border with Russia

Ukraine has begun constructing a separation wall on the Russian border. Kiev says the project is aimed at keeping Russian troops out. Russia...

Russia: S-300VM air-defence systems taken for a test spin

Russia: S-300VM air-defence systems taken for a test spin

Russian ground forces staged a demonstration of the cutting-edge S-300VM 'Antey-2500' air-defence system at the Naro-Fominsk Testing Ground ...

Couple crushed to death by collapsing wall when pissing at construction site

Couple crushed to death by collapsing wall when pissing at construction site

Contractor says the wall in about to be demolished. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODk0OTQ4NjUy.html #financial_support_div{ ...

Dog is rescued to get stuck between walls

Dog is rescued to get stuck between walls

A dog was rescued by firefighters after becoming trapped in a gap in West Hollywood, in California (USA), on Monday (2/03). The animal was t...

Putin: Decision to send S-300 to Iran taken after Saudi Arabia invaded Yemen

Putin: Decision to send S-300 to Iran taken after Saudi Arabia invaded Yemen

Russian President Vladimir Putin says the delivery of S-300 surface-to-air missile systems to Iran serves Tehran’s defensive purposes. A...

Wall of fire- Mortar attacks cause huge blaze at Aden refinery

Wall of fire- Mortar attacks cause huge blaze at Aden refinery

Wall of fire- Mortar attacks cause huge blaze at Aden refinery #financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute...

Russia to deliver modernized version of S-300 air defense system to Iran

Russia to deliver modernized version of S-300 air defense system to Iran

Russia is working on modernizing its S-300 air defense missile systems to supply to Iran. A senior advisor to Russian president Vladimir P...

[Short Version] Car Fails to brake and swerves into the Middle of the Highway. Almost hits a wall.

[Short Version] Car Fails to brake and swerves into the Middle of the Highway. Almost hits a wall.

Due to the intense sun directly ahead, it is hard to drive at this time with the blinding sun. Luckily the driver did not crash directly int...

Russian S-400 defense missile system deployed in Syria..further video

Russian S-400 defense missile system deployed in Syria..further video

The S-400 Triumf system, also known as the SA-21 Growler, combines an advanced radar system, which can detect ballistic missiles and high- a...

Russian S-400 missile system deployed in Syria’s Latakia

Russian S-400 missile system deployed in Syria’s Latakia

Russia says its forces have dealt a heavy blow to Syrian militant groups operating in the area where one of its jets was brought down by Tur...

Cops rescue Dog from inside a wall..

Cops rescue Dog from inside a wall..

Not sure how he got in there but he's a nice doggy! Good job.  

Is the wall ok ??

Is the wall ok ??

It's a genuine concern after it being hit by this beast ! A cat can also be seen jumping for it's life.  

Vicksburg flood wall leak

Vicksburg flood wall leak

Vicksburg flood wall leak  

Construction Worker Breaks through Wall

Construction Worker Breaks through Wall

While taking a little break from their demolition project, these construction workers put together a one-take skit where one of them busts t...

Iran showcases newly received S-300 missile system on National Army Day

Iran showcases newly received S-300 missile system on National Army Day

Iran is marking the National Army Day with countrywide parades and the display of state-of-the-art military hardware. In the capital Tehran...

Twin Brothers Throw Cousin into Wall

Twin Brothers Throw Cousin into Wall

These twin brothers wanted to have some fun, so they had the bright idea to wrap their little cousin in a blanket and swing him around. Unfo...

This is not a Hollywood movie, it's the world's largest cave

This is not a Hollywood movie, it's the world's largest cave

The Son Doong Cave in Vietnam is the biggest cave in the world. It's over 5.5 miles long, has a jungle and river, and could fit a 40-story s...

Update: Stick inserted 28cm into man's anus

Update: Stick inserted 28cm into man's anus

Guy gets wooden stick inserted into anus for 28cm when climbing wall At 1:00 on the 12th , who lives in the town of Zhumadian Runan County ...