Gunmen abduct suspected drug cartel members from top Mexico tourist resort

Gunmen abduct suspected drug cartel members from top Mexico tourist resort

In Mexico, around a dozen suspected members of the Sinaloa drug cartel have been kidnapped in the tourist resort of Puerto Vallarta. Gunm...

Forgiving abortion: Pope Francis extends power to all Roman Catholic priests

Forgiving abortion: Pope Francis extends power to all Roman Catholic priests

Pope Francis has extended the power to forgive abortion to all Roman Catholic priests. He made the announcement in an ‘apostolic letter...

‘Tourists go home’ say Spanish locals in backlash to holiday boom

‘Tourists go home’ say Spanish locals in backlash to holiday boom

Enough is enough… ‘Foreign tourists go home!’ So say some exasperated residents in Palma, Majorca, who have resorted to graffiti in ...

Nature at its raw power

Nature at its raw power

Incredible strength and beauty all in one package  

Four-way talks agree on road map to restart Ukraine’s peace deal

Four-way talks agree on road map to restart Ukraine’s peace deal

Ukraine Germany France and Russia have agreed to draw up a roadmap by the end of November on how to implement the 2015 Minsk peace deal. D...

Gort got a package from CriscoFist and Princess

Gort got a package from CriscoFist and Princess

Got a package from my friends...Lots of cool stuff... Quick explanation on why I'm not around so much now...And why it may take me 2-3 days...

We got another fantastic package!

We got another fantastic package!

So, SomeTosser threw me a beer in the ocean a long time ago. sorry it hasnt arrived yet, im still waiting :) But the great package you put ...

LL Care Package from Jayjo

LL Care Package from Jayjo

A package all the way from the UK. A big thank you to Jayjo. One of the nicest people on LiveLeak IMO. Cheers from the Tosser family : )  



Busy weekend. Morelman2 and Eventhorizon2012 stopped by and we all had a great time. That video will come later. Got a package from Anglo...

Care Package from Finland

Care Package from Finland

Extreme LL Care Package from Unpossible (1337) A Big Thank You : ). Your return care package will be sent shortly. I also should have als...

Care Package from Unpossible

Care Package from Unpossible

Big thanks to Unpossible for keeping the Fazer Blue chocolate dream alive ; ) (best damn chocolate there is) Package exchanges are a nice pa...

Package exchange Rickbond to Trioptimum

Package exchange Rickbond to Trioptimum

O my god... my first yoursay. scary as hell. but i made it. I received a package from my friend Rickbond from the states. Please enjoy the v...

Gort gets a package from SweetMama2185

Gort gets a package from SweetMama2185

Got a package...Awesome gifts...Definitely gonna get some use out of them...I'm gonna have to take them with me when I go on vacation...  

Luxury Holiday in Kashmir and Kashmir Tour Package

Luxury Holiday in Kashmir and Kashmir Tour Package

Shine India Trip company provides you a great great deal and provides you many Kashmir Tour Package as per your own need and you can make a ...

Yoursay: Package exchange fail

Yoursay: Package exchange fail

For me, the package exchange always seems to go so wrong. #financial_support_div{ display:none; position: absolute; ...

Pink's  Package Publicly Exposed

Pink's Package Publicly Exposed

Mr. Pink got a package in the mail and sent me a video of the opening ceremonies. He asked me to send many thanks to SweetMama, Piia and Du...

Steve Urkel Spotted Stealing Package From Porch

Steve Urkel Spotted Stealing Package From Porch

Los Angeles, CA - From the LAPD: Here is one great example of why you should request a signature for you packages being delivered. If you re...

Package from a Liveleaker?

Package from a Liveleaker?

Package from a Liveleaker? Best Rotten troll comment wins a burnt dead body. Here is a link to the gift giving.

Man steals package, owner steals purse

Man steals package, owner steals purse

A Concord, California homeowner viewing his security cameras notices a thief stealing a package from his front porch. He chases the thief an...

Courier Delivering Package Stealing Parcel

Courier Delivering Package Stealing Parcel

Courier Delivering Package Stealing Parcel