Wallace: Ted Cruz is lying to the voters

Wallace: Ted Cruz is lying to the voters

Aug. 21: Top Talkers: Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, has continued his call to defund Obamacare, speaking Tuesday. The Morning Joe...

Scarborough: Is Christie rounding off harsh edges before a '16 run?

Scarborough: Is Christie rounding off harsh edges before a '16 run?

Aug. 20: Top Talkers: Some San Diego residents are defending their embattled mayor Bob Filner as he is expected to return t...

Failed GOP Obamacare stunt makes Cruz pariah

Failed GOP Obamacare stunt makes Cruz pariah

Sept. 23: Nicolle Wallace, former communications director for George W. Bush and former senior adviser for the McCain-Palin campaign, ...

A tipping point in Syria?

A tipping point in Syria?

Aug. 26: There has never been more pressure on the U.S. and international community to take military action in Syria. Joini...

Clearing racial barriers in Alabama in 2013

Clearing racial barriers in Alabama in 2013

Sept. 13: At least two traditionally white sororities at the University of Alabama rejected two black women from pledging this year. I...

The future of the new left

The future of the new left

Sept. 13: There seems to be a shift in American politics, prompted by the Millennials, the age group between 18-29. Chris Hayes talks ...

Cruz plays chicken with Obamacare

Cruz plays chicken with Obamacare

Sept. 19: Ted Cruz, the champion of the repeal Obamacare movement, backs away from the fight and insults the House Republicans in the ...

Rewriting D.C.'s NFL team name

Rewriting D.C.'s NFL team name

Oct. 14: NBC Sportscaster Bob Costas commented on the controversy surrounding the name of Washington's NFL team. Lawrence O...