The Colbert Report: Fallback Position - Astronaut Pt. 2

The Colbert Report: Fallback Position - Astronaut Pt. 2

Stephen begins his astronaut training by working in zero gravity, running on his space treadmill and test-driving moon wheels.  

Santorum's Iraqi Lord of the Rings

Santorum's Iraqi Lord of the Rings

Rick Santorum puts the Iraq war in terms Stephen can understand.  

Fallback Position - Astronaut Pt. 2

Fallback Position - Astronaut Pt. 2

Stephen trains in a simulated jetpack chair that utilizes the latest in air hockey technology.  

Fallback Position - Astronaut Pt. 3

Fallback Position - Astronaut Pt. 3

With his astronaut training complete, Stephen finds out if he can land the space shuttle in a crisis.