Dungy: I passed on Incognito because of ‘reputation’

Dungy: I passed on Incognito because of ‘reputation’

Nov. 8: In response to the Miami Dolphins bullying investigation, former NFL player and head coach Tony Dungy says that he ...

Palin's War on Xmas attacks the holiest man

Palin's War on Xmas attacks the holiest man

Nov. 14: Sarah Palin sells her new book by taking a swing at the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis himself for bein...

The new Obamacare boogeyman

The new Obamacare boogeyman

Oct. 30: Chris Hayes talks with Wendell Potter, former head of Communications at the insurance company CIGNA, about health ...

Why Trey Radel shouldn't resign

Why Trey Radel shouldn't resign

Nov. 26: Florida Republicans are calling for his head, but Trey Radel should go back to Congress and fight for addicts.  

Winter storm bearing down on Northwest

Winter storm bearing down on Northwest

Dec. 3: Winter storm Cleon is heading toward the Pacific Northwest and, besides bringing chilly temperatures and cold winds...

Gearing up for a second shutdown

Gearing up for a second shutdown

Dec. 9: Deadline for Congressional shutdown looms over the American public,  while Congress gears up to head home for the ...

Larry the Cable Guy: Healthcare expert?

Larry the Cable Guy: Healthcare expert?

Dec. 11: Earning the joint title of Ed Schultz's Pretender, Fox's Sean Hannity whipped out the big guns, bringing on a reli...

Bad budget deal for all those out of work

Bad budget deal for all those out of work

Dec. 12: Paul Ryan’s budget deal heads to the House floor, while unemployment insurance remains missing from the negotiat...

Fear of a black Santa

Fear of a black Santa

Dec. 12: Fox News broke a big story last night, in case you missed it - both Jesus and Santa Claus are white.  

Christie in path as traffic flap gains energy

Christie in path as traffic flap gains energy

Dec. 13: Ted Mann, reporter for the Wall Street Journal, talks with Rachel Maddow about how a small traffic story is becomi...

MHP’s letter to Santa

MHP’s letter to Santa

Dec. 14: Melissa Harris-Perry's open letter goes out to the big man in the North Pole and is about the debate in the Americ...

Mobilizing around voting rights

Mobilizing around voting rights

Dec. 16: Chris Hayes talks about challenging restrictions to voter's rights head on.  

Mobilizing around voting rights

Mobilizing around voting rights

Dec. 16: Chris Hayes talks about challenging restrictions to voter's rights head on.  

Defending intolerance with the Constitution

Defending intolerance with the Constitution

Dec. 20: Republican talking heads quickly defend Duck Dynasty's anti-LBGT comments, citing the 1st Amendment. Ed Schultz an...

Midwestern polar apocalypse

Midwestern polar apocalypse

Jan. 6: In Trenders, a Wisconsin state senator wants to do away with days off, while actor Steven Seagal considers running ...

The investigation of Chris Christie

The investigation of Chris Christie

Jan. 13: Lawrence O'Donnell discusses where the "bridgegate" heads next with the Wall Street Journal's Heather Haddon.  

GOP attempt to change Christie conversation

GOP attempt to change Christie conversation

Jan. 13: Republican talking heads hit the Sunday talk show airwaves adamantly defending Gov. Christie's Bridgegate actions....

Boehner untroubled as chemical spill spreads

Boehner untroubled as chemical spill spreads

Jan. 14: Rachel Maddow reports on the downriver movement of the West Virginia chemical spill, and Speaker John Boehner's re...

GOP vs. Chris Christie?

GOP vs. Chris Christie?

Jan. 20: Will Republicans stick by Chris Christie as head of the Republican Governor's Association and what about a candida...

Christie goes to Florida to escape NJ drama

Christie goes to Florida to escape NJ drama

Jan. 20: Gov. Christie ignores Bridgegate and other New Jersey scandals, heading to Florida to fund-raise on behalf of Gov....