Frankie the Cockatoo Rejects Potato Ears at Pet Store

Frankie the Cockatoo Rejects Potato Ears at Pet Store

A video of a cockatoo in a pet store undoing the work of employees trying to stack shelves, was taken on July 21. Frankie the cockatoo is th...

Turkey: ‘credible evidence’ of detainees being tortured – Amnesty

Turkey: ‘credible evidence’ of detainees being tortured – Amnesty

Amnesty International has published a statement alleging that detainees in Turkey are being tortured amid the spate of arrests after the 15 ...

Head of Australian inquiry into abuse of aboriginal boys quits

Head of Australian inquiry into abuse of aboriginal boys quits

The head of an Australian inquiry into the abuse of children in detention has resigned. Brian Martin was appointed four days ago to invest...

Moldova presidential election goes to a run-off

Moldova presidential election goes to a run-off

Moldova’s presidential election is to go to a second round after the leading candidate fell short of a crucial 51% of the vote needed to a...

Next UN boss Guterres raises human rights during China trip

Next UN boss Guterres raises human rights during China trip

A call for human rights to be respected globally was made on Monday by UN Secretary General-elect Antonio Guterres, during a visit to Beijin...

Nine dead, dozens missing after fire breaks out at California warehouse party

Nine dead, dozens missing after fire breaks out at California warehouse party

At least nine people have been killed and more than two dozen are still unaccounted for after a massive fire broke out at a warehouse ...

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