Is Moldova heading for an early election?

Is Moldova heading for an early election?

The pro-Russian winner of Moldova’s presidential election says he will push for early parliamentary elections next year. Igor Dodon won ...

Evacuations underway in New Zealand’s quake hit areas

Evacuations underway in New Zealand’s quake hit areas

Emergency rescue teams in New Zealand have begun evacuating scores of trapped tourists and residents from Kaikoura, the town hardest hit by ...

Italy threatens to block EU budget talks

Italy threatens to block EU budget talks

EU budget renegotiations underway Italy wants increases in funding Deadline is midnight on Thursday What is happening? EU governm...

Trump endorses Farage for UK ambassador to US, saying he would do ‘‘a great job’‘

Trump endorses Farage for UK ambassador to US, saying he would do ‘‘a great job’‘

In what is being seen as an unprecedented move, Donald Trump has suggested Nigel Farage should become Britain’s next ambassador to the US....

Austrialian students recreate Martin Shkreli price-hike drug

Austrialian students recreate Martin Shkreli price-hike drug

The man who became a global figure of greed after hiking the price of a life-saving drug by 5000 percent in the US, may have just met his ma...

North Korea faces fresh sanctions over its atomic ambitions

North Korea faces fresh sanctions over its atomic ambitions

Japan and South Korea have agreed to impose new unilateral sanctions on North Korea over its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. It ...

Time calls Donald Trump ‘President of the Divided States of America’

Time calls Donald Trump ‘President of the Divided States of America’

Time Magazine has named US President-elect Donald Trump as its Person of the Year. It cited as reasons the businessman’s victory in the ...

European Film Awards to honour best in cinema

European Film Awards to honour best in cinema

The final countdown is on to Saturday’s European Film Awards, hosted this time in the Polish city of Wroclaw, the European Capital of Cult...

‘Toni Erdmann’ sweeps board at European Film Awards

‘Toni Erdmann’ sweeps board at European Film Awards

A German-Austrian comedy drama has swept the board at this year’s European Film Awards. “Toni Erdmann” – based around a father-dau...

Gentiloni unveils Italy’s new government

Gentiloni unveils Italy’s new government

Italy’s newly-apppointed prime minister has unveiled his government. Paolo Gentiloni has kept almost all the outgoing ministers in place...

Russia-Turkish talks on Aleppo more effective than ‘fruitless’ US talks, says Lavrov

Russia-Turkish talks on Aleppo more effective than ‘fruitless’ US talks, says Lavrov

The Russian foreign minister says Moscow has high hopes for ongoing talks with Ankara. Sergey Lavrov says they could be more effective than ...

Inside Aleppo – One photographer tells of the horror of the fall of the city

Inside Aleppo – One photographer tells of the horror of the fall of the city

To gain more insight on the humanitarian situation on the ground in the city of Aleppo euronews contacted Salah al-Alashqar, a freelance pho...

Seven candidates selected to run for French left presidential bid

Seven candidates selected to run for French left presidential bid

January’s French primaries for the left wing will see seven candidates battle it out to win the nomination for the 2017 presidential elect...

Hollywood actress Zsa Zsa Gabor dies aged 99

Hollywood actress Zsa Zsa Gabor dies aged 99

The Hollywood actress Zsa Zsa Gabor has died aged 99. Know for her beauty, glamour and her husbands – she was married nine times – the...

Russian ambassador to Turkey flown home after airport ceremony

Russian ambassador to Turkey flown home after airport ceremony

Russia’s late ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, left the home he enjoyed so much prematurely, and in a coffin, not the ending to his po...

Range Rover X-mas gift for our son!

Range Rover X-mas gift for our son!

"It's so nice to know their are still amazing people in this world. Santa was bringing a Range Rover for our son for Christmas but his moth...

Saudi Arabian Police Officer Shoots Terrorists

Saudi Arabian Police Officer Shoots Terrorists

The terrorists had and explosive belts. They rushed to the police car to steal it and then bomb themselves!! The one who was wearing black w...

“ America is a better, stronger place “ says Obama in farewell speech

“ America is a better, stronger place “ says Obama in farewell speech

Outgoing US President Barack Obama used his last address to the nation to decry discrimination, attack the current wave of negativism in soc...

Oxfam: ‘eight men own as much wealth as poorest half of world’s population’

Oxfam: ‘eight men own as much wealth as poorest half of world’s population’

“The global economy is broken,” Oxfam says in a new report which finds eight billionaires own as much wealth as the poorest half of the ...