Americans leaving GOP behind on marriage equality

Americans leaving GOP behind on marriage equality

Aug. 26: Rachel Maddow reviews the growing acceptance of equal marriage rights across America, even among Republicans, and ...

Democrats sue to stop Virginia voter purge

Democrats sue to stop Virginia voter purge

Oct. 4: Rachel Maddow reports on a series of lawsuits filed by Democrats against Virginia officials including Governor Bob ...

Cuccinelli a burden to GOP in Virginia races

Cuccinelli a burden to GOP in Virginia races

Oct. 9: Rachel Maddow reports on the state of the gubernatorial race in Virginia, where Republican candidate and also Attor...

Obamacare on the ballot in Virginia

Obamacare on the ballot in Virginia

Nov. 6: Obamacare was on the ballot in Virginia Tuesday and Obamcare won. Chris Hayes talks with The Washington Post and MS...

Marriage equality grows, alienates right wing

Marriage equality grows, alienates right wing

Nov. 12: Rachel Maddow reports on the passage of marriage equality in Hawaii as state laws catch up with American attitudes...

Marriage equality spreads, GOP goes anti-gay

Marriage equality spreads, GOP goes anti-gay

Nov. 19: Illinois Governor Pat Quinn talks with Rachel Maddow about passing marriage equality in his state as Republicans p...

Mental health system eyed in Virginia tragedy

Mental health system eyed in Virginia tragedy

Nov. 19: Rachel Maddow reports on a tragedy for Virginia State Senator Creigh Deeds and indications that his son did not re...

The Torah and marriage equality

The Torah and marriage equality

Dec. 2: A 13-year old boy uses his bar mitzvah to argue for Marriage Equality. Lawrence O'Donnell talks with Duncan McAlpin...

Pastor opens up on losing job over same-sex marriage

Pastor opens up on losing job over same-sex marriage

Dec. 19: A Pennsylvania pastor has been defrocked by the United Methodist Church for refusing to change his view on marriag...

Court: Utah gay marriage ban unconstitutional

Court: Utah gay marriage ban unconstitutional

Dec. 20: Kenji Yoshino, NYU Law School professor, talks with Rachel Maddow about a federal court ruling that Utah's ban on ...

Utah couple's case unlocks same sex marriage

Utah couple's case unlocks same sex marriage

Dec. 23: Moudi Sbeity and Derek Kitchen, plaintiffs in the Utah same-sex marriage lawsuit, talk with Rachel Maddow about th...

Utah AG seeks help to end marriage equality

Utah AG seeks help to end marriage equality

Jan. 2: Rachel Maddow reports on the Utah AG's office looking for help appealing recent marriage equality rulings after the...

Virginia Dems fight to take senate from GOP

Virginia Dems fight to take senate from GOP

Jan. 7: Rachel Maddow explains why local special elections in Virginia have larger implications for party control of the st...

Oklahoma gay marriage ban unconstitutional

Oklahoma gay marriage ban unconstitutional

Jan. 14: Rachel Maddow reports the late breaking news that a U.S. District Court judge has ruled that Oklahoma's ban on sam...

West Virginia water isn't safe, after all

West Virginia water isn't safe, after all

Jan. 20: Rachel Maddow highlights reports that people in West Virginia continue to report sickness despite assurances that ...

Company says 2nd toxin in West Virginia spill

Company says 2nd toxin in West Virginia spill

Jan. 22: Rachel Maddow reports on the belated revelation that a second chemical was leaked into West Virginia's Elk River i...

Democrats win Virginia Senate by 11 votes

Democrats win Virginia Senate by 11 votes

Jan. 27: Rachel Maddow reports on the final results of the Virginia special election which resulted in a Democratic victory...

Another coal waste disaster in West Virginia

Another coal waste disaster in West Virginia

Feb. 11: Rachel Maddow reports on yet another toxic coal waste spill in West Virginia as new tests are conducted on drinkin...

Women sway the liberal vote in Virginia

Women sway the liberal vote in Virginia

Nov. 6: Women in VA protected their rights by electing a Democrat, yet in New Jersey, the numbers tell a very different sto...

Supreme Court halts gay marriage in Utah

Supreme Court halts gay marriage in Utah

Jan. 6: Chris Hayes and panel discuss what's next for the nearly 1,000 gay and lesbian couples who just got married in Utah...