Local dogs trained to detect urinary tract infections

Local dogs trained to detect urinary tract infections

They sit, they fetch, they roll over and some can detect urinary tract infections! It's groundbreaking new medical research right here on th...

Secrets of ancient mummies revealed by CT scans

Secrets of ancient mummies revealed by CT scans

Scientists and experts at the British Museum have used CT scans and sophisticated imaging software to go beneath the bandages of ancient mum...

Urinary Tract Infection on Adults by Urologists in Tampa

Urinary Tract Infection on Adults by Urologists in Tampa

http://urologistsintampa.com/ Urinary Tract Infection is an infection of the urethra, the bladder, or both. The cause is a bacterial infecti...

Top 7 Home Remedies for UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections)

Top 7 Home Remedies for UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections)

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are very common health problem. While both men and women get UTIs, women are more prone to them. Drinking lo...

Jersey Shore Hospital - Radiology, X-Ray, CT Scan, MRI, Mammography

Jersey Shore Hospital - Radiology, X-Ray, CT Scan, MRI, Mammography

Jersey Shore Hospital - Radiology, X-Ray, CT Scan, MRI, Mammography  

550-year-old Peruvian child mummy gets CT scans

550-year-old Peruvian child mummy gets CT scans

Dr. Andrew Trout and his radiology team got the first glimpse at the inside of the mummy, which is currently on display the Cincinnati Museu...

Dunya News-HMC fails to replace faulty MRI, CT Scan machines

Dunya News-HMC fails to replace faulty MRI, CT Scan machines

Dunya News-HMC fails to replace faulty MRI, CT Scan machines  

Imran Khan Replies Ayaz Sadiq's DNA test or CT scan  (Mar 12)

Imran Khan Replies Ayaz Sadiq's DNA test or CT scan (Mar 12)

Imran Khan Replies Ayaz Sadiq's DNA test or CT scan (Mar 12)  

Lurie Children's: Know Your Child’s Radiation Dose

Lurie Children's: Know Your Child’s Radiation Dose

It’s back to school and more youth than ever are involved in some type of sporting activity. That’s why approximately three million yout...

Better way to diagnose kidney stones

Better way to diagnose kidney stones

A study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the less expensive and radiation-free ultrasounds can detect kidney stones as well...

News Flash: Urine Is Not Sterile

News Flash: Urine Is Not Sterile

The latest research shows that (duh) urine is not sterile, guys.  

Study: Increasing amount of children undergoing imaging scans

Study: Increasing amount of children undergoing imaging scans

A new study shows an increasing number of children are undergoing CT scans, MRIs and other diagnostic imaging procedures, including ones tha...

Dangerous Radiation Levels Await Any Mars Mission

Dangerous Radiation Levels Await Any Mars Mission

People traveling to and from Mars would be exposed to levels of radiation equivalent to undergoing a CT scan once every five days  

Extinct South American Sabertooth Animal Had Strong Neck Muscles

Extinct South American Sabertooth Animal Had Strong Neck Muscles

Researchers studying an ancient extinct marsupial animal that lived in South America some 3 and a half million years ago have found that the...

Herbs to Reduce Urea and Creatinine Levels Naturally

Herbs to Reduce Urea and Creatinine Levels Naturally

Mutrakrichantak Churna is a safe and effective combination of kidney supporting herbs. It is useful in Kidney failure due to any reason, Wat...

Smart Diaper Helps Parents Track Baby’s Health

Smart Diaper Helps Parents Track Baby’s Health

New York-based startup Pixie Scientific created the Smart Diaper. It tracks your child’s health by gathering information from his or her u...

Shrink Prostate Without Drugs, How To Shrink Prostate Naturally Without Drugs

Shrink Prostate Without Drugs, How To Shrink Prostate Naturally Without Drugs

http://www.vigamaxx.com - Shrink Prostate Without Drugs, How To Shrink Prostate Naturally Without Drugs? Medically known as benign prostatic...

How To Reduce Prostate Size Naturally, How To Cure Enlarged Prostate Naturally

How To Reduce Prostate Size Naturally, How To Cure Enlarged Prostate Naturally

how to reduce prostate size naturally, how to cure enlarged prostate naturally? http://www.vigamaxx.com The symptoms of prostate enlargement...

Foot-Long Hairball Found in 12-Year-Old Girl's Stomach

Foot-Long Hairball Found in 12-Year-Old Girl's Stomach

A 12-year-old Chinese girl was recently forced to undergo surgery after it was discovered there was a massive hairball in her stomach. Hairb...

Braves Pitcher Has Sore Shoulder Because of Penis Surgery

Braves Pitcher Has Sore Shoulder Because of Penis Surgery

Mike Minor’s spring training debut has been delayed for at least a week as he continues to recover from a procedure he had on his urinary ...